
I disagree that Theon's torture was unnecessary. We needed to see what he went through to understand his mental state.

I still think that connection is completely fallacious.

When it comes to portrayals of violence, I'd much rather see the graphic deaths from GOT than the sanitized, bloodless killings we see on some TV shows and in PG-13 movies.

I would similarly get remove Eli Roth from Inglourious Basterds. So distracting.

Well… currently active TV ownage then, I guess.

Doesn't he also say that killing is the sweetest thing there is?

On the other hand, there is an eye.

I kept expecting this to turn into some weird fan fiction at any moment.

God, I lost it when that happened. So good.

Django I'll agree with (there's no need for the scene with the Australian dudes at all), but I really like all the little asides in IG.

That's the exact moment I had in mind.

I loved Inglourious Basterds.

I want to get into this series, but it just is too overwhelming.

I wish Disqus worked right. Who posted this? Your comment is showing as its own thread, not as a reply.

OK, yes. But this is still a story after all. Are you actually expecting it to be a true fantasy retread of history? Because that would be boring.

I believe there's still plenty of both in this world. We just happen to be spending time with the major players.

There really isn't a thesis here. It's just a bunch of rambling about violence.

Par for the course lately for the new writers.

I like Game of Thrones, and I won't complain about more coverage, but I just have not been a fan of the writing from most of the new kids around here.

I don't think so.