
I know what you mean, but from a "Is that healthy?" perspective, it seems better that Oberyn's death was so awful and upsetting.

Not on the internet.

That's funny though, because I did empathize with Marlo towards the end of the series when he was so clearly out of his element.

"Don't make me rue the day I raped your mother."

Good point.

Love Consider the Lobster!

Once you get to ACOK, the differences will be enough that it won't feel like that after a while.

I need to go back to the Malazan series next. I started the first one and loved what I read, but I just got stuck and then had to take it back to the library.

See my post about PSEO.

Yeah, I didn't really mention that, but getting used to that college/university environment is a another huge reason PSEO is nice.

If it's available in their state, all high school students should be taking advantage of post secondary enrollment options (PSEO). For the unfamiliar, it allows you to take college courses for free while in high school.

I like that you explained what a pedant is in the most pedantic way possible.

Hey, look everyone! It's one of those elusive willfully ignorant people that definitely aren't all over the internet all the time!

I don't necessarily have a problem with sharing content if it's presented in an interesting way, like alongside a very well-written article (see any post by O'Neal or Teti).

That cue makes me laugh every time too.

This review won me over with the soul-bound fedora comment.

Robert Blake in his Lost Highway makeup.

Well, at least he's knowledgeable about goose anatomy.


I'd argue that in that situation, Tyrion was also a rape victim. Thirteen years old, doesn't want to do it, has no choice?