
I thought The Lost World was the most intense movie I'd ever seen in the theater at the time. Then again, I was 10 years old.

You enjoyed JP3 but not the Lost World? What?

I think it's because people think they'll lose credibility if they just say straight up that they like him, so they shroud it in surprise.

Between this and the article that shit all over An American Tail, it's becoming clear that Ehrlich and I do not share a taste in movies.

Eh. Mike's a douche. It is known.

Hey, I also spend a lot of time on the internet.

Honestly, I always thought she looked like Michael Cera in a wig.

Ahh my f***in' ears!

Ugh, him breaking the glasses was just heart breaking.

Just wait until the show reveals Lady Whiskers' true parents. People will lose their minds.

Use [br], but replace [ with <

They sure are pushing for the page hits on that rape article, aren't they?

I'm fairly certain that was the joke.

I thought this was closer to an art film that an action movie. I still loved it, but I also wouldn't say it was "fun" to watch.

Yeah - that is a big deal. We might've had big clues about the use for the child sacrifices, but confirmation of the Night's King - wow.

I would argue that disregarding authorial intent has limits though, and this case would apply. Regardless of how you felt about the scene or how it came across, understanding what they intended is actually very important because it's going to influence how characters react.

Or rather, TV show canon?

No you didn't.

It wobbles for one split second, then returns to spinning normally.

That's unfortunate, because it was a fun movie.