
Perfect timing - everyone will have the amazing visuals from the Lego Movie fresh in their minds, so this is sure to look like complete shit to anyone who bothers to watch.

I read "dick-banned" at first. I think that would've been much more appropriate.

You hated that whole debate, and yet you casually mention your theory on it?

Cool, but that's not really a theory.

I feel like there's been some backlash against Inception, and I'll admit to no longer loving it quite as much as I did when I first saw it, but it remains one of the most amazing theater experiences I've ever had.

Validate me!

You're definitely right - I think it also plays into DFW's ideas about our willingness to actually work towards something, rather than simply seeking out instant gratification.

Um, what?

I always wanted to know what the deal was with Good-Looking Men In Small Clever Rooms That Utilize Every Centimeter Of Available Space With Mind-Boggling Efficiency.

Man of Steel just felt soulless. Going through the motions, no passion. So much punching.

So eventual consent makes it OK to ignore previous denials? That's the exact reason some people are so upset with what the director said about the TV scene.

I see you conveniently left out her denials and the part where he ignores her protests and pounding on his chest…

Yeah, I thought it was amazing. Get two bookmarks and don't skip the footnotes.

I've seen some vitriol directed at Lipsky lately - does anyone know why that might be? I haven't read the book but I get the impression that some people think Lipsky didn't portray DFW very well.

And yet people upset about the TV scene insisted on defending the book scene with this exact same rationale.

No, I'm acknowledging that those two sides certainly exist. What I'm complaining about is that there's lots of space in between on the spectrum and people get lumped into one group or the other when they shouldn't.

Why am I writing this ? I told myself I'd not waste anymore time arguing.

I have no idea what you're talking about.

Are you out of your fucking mind? If you think those scenes are explicitly designed to be sexy, then I'm not even sure how to have a discussion about this.

How are they fantasy rape scenes?