
If we're going to start going down that path of "mild" objections, I'm done with this.

Dewbacks rule! We're the CGI dewbacks! That's us, and we rule, rule r-r-r-ule!

I had to look up the word. Also I shamelessly stole this joke from someone on Twitter.

Look - everyone knows that the Bush family had nothing to do with JFK's assassination. What this film presupposes is - maybe they did?

It really is absurd. Imagine going back to 1999 and telling someone in a video rental store that you could have every single movie there available on your home TV literally instantly and at better than DVD quality for only $7.99 a month.

Horrible selection compared to what? Every movie ever created?

If I knew that it meant significantly increased selection, I'd have no problem paying more every month. People whine about Netflix prices and Netflix in general but it's really an amazing technology at an absurdly low price.

Speaking of erotic fan fiction, are a Twi'lek's lekku prehensile?

She pounded on his chest with feeble fists, murmuring about the risk, the danger, about their father, about the septons, about the wrath of gods.

Well, is the letter "H" represented by two vertical lines connected by a perpendicular horizontal one at the mid-section of each?

I have no comment one way or the other about your opinion, but I just have to say your second sentence is one of the strangest ones I've ever read. Even in context.

So is this an OK thing now? You can just keep going as long as the only objection is location? Any other exceptions to add to the list of denials it's OK to ignore?

She pounds against his chest and says no, and then agrees right before the actual intercourse?

Yes, this, exactly. We'd still be here arguing if it had been portrayed the way it was in the book.

For as much as this article tries to align itself with rape culture, it goes ahead and trivializes rape right in the title.

Yes, a very beautiful love story between a the leader of a horde of murderous soldiers (who rape peasant women for sport) and a 13 year old girl who's been manipulated by her perverted brother.

Well, the do me now in the book still comes after a no, so I'm not sure that it should make much of a difference.

Sure it might be "normal" for the time period, but that doesn't mean it's not statutory rape.

Those torture scenes are necessary to show us why Theon is the way he is. In the books we have the advantage of his perspective and his thoughts to see how broken he is, but that wouldn't come across correctly in the book.

Can we just talk about the Dany stuff? The initial sex scene in the books with Dany and Drogo is absurd and a cop out from GRRM. Even if it's consensual in that for some reason Drogo (who views raping and pillaging as a core part of his culture) decided to let her take control that one time, she was still 13 years