
I'm going to just say this and probably avoid reading or discussing this episode for a while, because as we all know it's near impossible to have a reasonable discussion about things like this online.

I thought they made it pretty clear how messed up it was towards the end of the season, once he was upset with her.

I thought the accepted onomatopoeia was DOINK DOINK.

This is 10 months late, but you're absolutely right. The role of Pete Campbell has to be kind of thankless because people love to hate him so much that they seem to forget how much work must go into that quality of acting.

That's not fun.

Yes, obviously. I knew that already. I definitely didn't just learn about it from reading your comment.

So you'd still recommend other Delillo even if I didn't like this one?

I think Thrice's post-hardcore stuff holds up pretty well. Illusion of Safety is just fun rock. The Artist in the Ambulance is pretty much just that album again, but more commercially-minded, but I think the musicianship more than makes up for it.

I read the book, and thought even that was a little silly (especially the self-serious dialogue).

I don't think you know how reddit (or general internet commenting?) works, because he didn't say that.

The AV Club should be ashamed for even running an article with this question as the title, when they have the personification of the answer working as their senior editor.

I remember hearing the joke about 'The Stereotypes' and thinking that a stereotype meant a catchphrase, because they all had one and also because of the correlation between "stereo" and the idea of a spoken phrase.

By that definition, shouldn't every single piece of fiction also fail because the characters aren't even real?

You mean a shitty everything impression? Kenan Thompson is worthless.

I'll very frequently see the promos on HBO Go and think, huh, I should watch that sometime. And then I'll hear it got canceled. Does that count?

I'm not sure that it's ever explicitly stated he sailed West, though.

Which one of us is going to break the news about the true nature of his comments?

Have you read the books? It's been a couple of years since I read them, and I haven't read the Dunk and Egg novels so I'm probably not qualified to answer much more than I already did.

lulz we're basically living in 1984!!!!111

I'm pretty sure it's meant to be a mystery. Similar to how there allegedly aren't any accurate maps of the Shadow Lands (far east Essos).