
Virtual Boy missed such a good tagline opportunity…

He did a good job of explaining that basis. Sonia didn't do that at all in her article, it was just a vague reference to racism and the NSA.

"All the attempts to squeeze a complex figure into a marketable stereotype of ‘90s-style geek chic that’s meant to be relatable to those who would rather bask in his image than read his work."

Yes, you're right. That is why said as much in my reply to him. i also never called him out, directly or indirectly.

Fair enough. As someone else pointed out, it does sound like there's more to it and that kidnapped is likely just a poor choice of words.

I know you're just trying to be clever, but I'm not saying that people shouldn't use the word. It just bugs me when people point to something like this as racist and don't expound any further than that.

At the risk of raining on the outrage parade, can anyone specifically point me to something in that premise that actually sounds racist?

He ruptures his the eardrums of his victims using a special tool that amplifies his sibilants.

I was ready to say that the trailer probably just doesn't do a good job of actually representing the movie, but now that I've watched it, you nailed it.

So many terrible accents.

It was funny, but I was also kind of pissed because it made that whole storyline feel like a waste of time.


Beastie Boys had their lane pushed way too far, so they were vulnerable to a gank from GoldieBlox.

Yes, many of these have devolved to the point of Epic Movie style humor. This one in particular.

I definitely have a case of Patton fatigue. Used to love him but I think I followed him on Twitter for too long (which is an easy way to make you get tired of someone if they post a lot) and it just seems like everything he does now is nerdy in that weird self-congratulatory sort of way.

The ending of "Who Goes There" is one of the most amazing action set pieces I've ever seen anywhere, let alone on TV.

Watched The Lego Movie for the second time - this time with my wife. Even better this time around. SPACESHIP!

Why are there so many people who apparently wait until a celebrity dies and then sit with a stopwatch to determine precisely how outraged they should be that the AV Club still hasn't written something?

Nah, if you look closely at the picture, you can see that it's exactly the same, down to the small blue jewel part.

A wizard did it?