
be wary of taxman

You kill it eventually, but the first time you encounter it you're supposed to run because all you have is a broken sword hilt. I think that's what he's referring to.

Like her music is so bad it makes you vomit?

Do not taunt Amazon controller.

Freedom! Horrible, horrible freedom!

There's a difference between fun mystery and just generally poor game design.

This really makes you appreciate how truly awful the Seinfeld music actually is.

I thought you said "eyes" and I was so, so confused.

Yeah, but how I know that the blue you see is the same blue I see?

Yeah, just look at the careers of everyone involved with Into Darkness! They're totally in the crapper!

But I was going to the Toshy station to pick up some lens-flare converters!

I don't think he's saying he had some type of awakening - more likely, it's just that seeing how quickly you or a loved one can have your life taken away makes you feel slightly silly (for a moment at least) to spend all day arguing about directors and celebrities.

I loved what I read. I only got about a hundred pages in or so, but I thought it was great. The wizard battles were really cool because they were, well, actual battles.

I loved all the books, but I feel your pain on a lot of those points.

I absolutely loved Anathem - very clever and interesting. I love Stephenson in general. I have all three Baroque Cycle books, but I never finished the last one. Need to go through those again (and in a shorter amount of time this go round).

I started Gardens of the Moon last year but didn't give it the time it deserved and then had to return it to the library. I want to get back into it since I absolutely love becoming obsessed with long book series.

That's interesting you feel that way. I liked Wolves of the Calla a hell of a lot more than Song of Susannah. Wizard and Glass is my favorite of the series by far, and Wolves was obviously just King's attempt at recreating that kind of atmosphere.

I've been trying to read 2666 by Roberto Bolano, based solely on its reputation. I have very little experience with South American authors.

Squeezer 2 The Dome

So he was actually expecting a major corporation to pay him $400,000 to do a commercial that wouldn't actually advertise for them?