
You know, I don't have a problem with these gays, I just wish they didn't feel like they had to Hodor about it all the time.

I thought I'd read a year or two ago that they knew how the series would generally end.

Yeah, actually I think Toxic is one of the best pop songs of the last 15 years.

He says that he will never die.

dat title tho

I didn't think it was possible for Harmon to come across like more of an asshole, and then he had to go and use the term "emerging mediascape" without irony.

It's just you!

I love 8-bit renditions. I think they're a fun way to experience songs you like in a different format.

What a stupid idea for a show - nobody looks past the first page of google results.

I don't think that's what that's called.

I'd like to buy your ocelot TV.

Hey, being a pedantic asshole is good. At least that's what I tell myself.

OK, I'm back!

The studio audience could be insufferable, but it seemed like the "woo!"ing mellowed out a bit after the first season. Either that or, god forbid, I just got used to it.

Back when it as on the air, I mostly just dismissed That '70s Show as a stupid sitcom. But my wife and I recently rewatched most of it on Netflix and I was surprised at how good of a show it actually is.

Is there a part where you randomly get to have sex with an extremely attractive movie-star for no apparent reason?

Um, what?

You're giving me the j/o gesture when you're the one who tried to criticize a movie title's grammar?

I'm going to seriously nerd out here, but do you really have a linguistics degree?

This song is fine, and catchy, but it always seems to go on too long.