
Isn't that explicitly stated?

I'm even more tired of the music genre arguments than I am over the hipster arguments.

Yeah… it actually annoys the shit out of me when Abrams gets blamed for Lost going off the rails. He had nothing to do with the show after the first season, if I recall correctly.

That line about prune juice being a warrior's drink is one of my favorite lines in the whole series.

Honestly, it's tough to judge by what he has to work with on Game of Thrones… he hits his marks as Jon Snow, but they aren't exactly all over the board or anything.

Does her dad work at Nintendo too?

It's like, what, do you think you're better than me?

He's gonna drop Magnum on us one of these days, and it's going to blow us all away.

Well, that's fair.

I think George Lucas is the modern day George Lucas.

I will definitely agree with you that Matthew Goode really blew that role. Not sure if it was him, or the direction, but they might as well have given him a mustache to twirl it was so obvious.

Hey, did you guys know that if you don't like a movie, most people involved in its creation are probably really ignorant? It's true! And also very convenient!

I'm tired of defending Snyder's Watchmen, but oh well.

The justification I heard for the sale of max level characters is that Blizzard realizes that *someone* is going to powerlevel characters and sell them, so they figure it's better that they monetize it. It's their right, I guess.

What's with all this finger wagging? Some people spend money on stupid shit. Do you expect businesses to not market toward such people?

*eye roll*

Are you getting the choppiness on a multiplayer server or on your own single player worlds?

Do people actually take Pete Holmes seriously? His show was painfully unfunny the one time I watched it.

I think it's a great game for kids. Even just the fact that they have to kind of look for outside help on a lot of the more complex crafting recipes is a great way to learn problem solving.

I guess I thought you were kind of summarily dismissing the game, or the fun people have with it.