
I haven't read Ulysses, but if you got through that then IJ should be no problem.

Just recently had some Laphroaig for the first time.  I thought people were exaggerating when they said it tastes like drinking a campfire.

This is worse than the time we played hide-and-seek Werner Heisenberg and he ran around yelling his exact speed the whole time.

@disqus_pLtzLD5UrA:disqus @avclub-0b96d81f0494fde5428c7aea243c9157:disqus 
If you order a dry martini at any decent restaurant, that's exactly what you're going to get.

Is someone to available to make sure HDB is still alive after watching that video?

Isn't a "real" martini the ultimate non-girly drink?

Is there a Poe's Law for Hollywood stupidity?

It was also vehemently denied that it was actually a true reference at the time - I always just figured it was an easter egg.

That DFW joke hurt a little bit.

I still think the movie is amazing.  It manages to not feel dated, somehow.  Fincher is just an amazing director.

I'd prefer a headline image with more jpeg compression, please.

So there's a lot of people, is what you're telling me.

Can I flag you for using sheeple in a non-ironic way?

Best part of the trailer.  Well, other than the blue lens flare even when it's just a black and white Kirk talking to the camera…

Wrong who's, brah.

It's obvious that they're either just running what they've been sent by the distributor, or just using the wrong version like they said.  Why would Netflix waste the amount of computing power necessary to actually crop that many titles?

I got a Beach Rape notification for this?

I wouldn't feel too bad.  He has said that he actually has to play up his cerebral palsy for the show.  I'm guessing part of that is his voice and I know that he also doesn't actually need crutches to walk.

I'm a major freak about putting things in the dryer.  I don't dry any shirts or pants… I've had too many shirts turn into near-belly shirts on me.  I literally don't understand how someone could not have had that experience before.

No.  Dumbest rule ever.