
I do not know how to ask a specific question without giving away spoilers, so putting it vaguely does anyone know if the current version will follow the same storylines as the original books and series? Thanks.


See, I loved Jane Eyre but didn’t care for Wuthering Heights. I didn’t love to hate the characters, I just hated them.

1) wish to indulge in costume porn

It’s also great for fans of: really good movies, Ben Whishaw, Keats, sassy ladies.


As a Dickens fanatic, I can’t decide if I’d be happy if he got this same sort of ridiculous fandom.

I don’t think he’s right, but he is amusing in his wrongness.

Here’s my friend and I with Mr. Wickham last year. My friend made both our dresses and her bonnet! #skills

This holds up right until the point where you actually talk to a lot of atheists. I’d gladly spend time with any religious person short of the Duggars rather than your average atheist.

This is how I feel every month when I pay my HOA dues. Just throwin’ money away...

I love everything about this and should probably just shut down the internet for the night because it can only go downhill from here.

My niece when she found out she was going to be a big sister (she was two) and my nephew was in my sister’s belly

I like to think this li’l chap will grow up to be Nick Frost.

::Spoiler:: He gives a THUMBS UP at the end.

I worked for a restaurant that opened at 4, but would fill up (not busy, just active) almost right away, so people wouldn’t always realize we weren’t open all day.

However he has chosen a very obvious piece of cover.

I named my cell phone The Larch.

The Lark.

Mr. Nesbitt has learned the first lesson of not being seen: not to stand up.