Shour, Aloof and Obnoxious

James is wrong. Thank you for coming to my TEA-Talk.

Hell, I’d appreciate it if some of the people that text me at least try to form a complete thought before sending. There are at least a handful of them that seem to hit enter after every few words because they’re afraid that the message will disappear forever if they don’t send it RIGHT NOW and I get 8 rapid-fire

This - weekend work car. And if you have teenagers, it can serve double duty. Your kid learns stick, and they can’t let their friends drive! (Probably). In fact, only room for 1 passenger is perfect for a teenage commuter. NP all day.

The @Good@ Transformers Films:

She’s a freckle-faced redhead girl you oughta know

“The basic structure of River City Girls is far removed from 1990’s River City Ransom.”

I dunno. I won’t say it’s the best. Let’s just say it’s Thaied for first.

As such I expect Thai Chile to be a spicy one.

Kate, Kate, you have never been so right in your life. Kevin has been more wrong, though (specifically, mayo on hot dogs.)

This has been such a weird post-season for this Spurs fan who has been in love with Kawhi since his rookie year. The way he left SA soured me on him for some time, but seeing him do his thing in the playoffs kinda washed that away. Glad that he and Danny Green are this close from another title, and from finally

I’m sorry, no, Pop won’t be able to do that because I’ve already planned out his post-NBA career pretty comprehensively. He’s going to retire from coaching and move directly into the White House, where he will drop kick Trump and the rest of the horror show into the toilet and then flush them to hell where they belong

The Blendtec guys on Will It Blend beat them to it.

How much are they selling the fried chicken for?

Same thing happened to my friend- he got charged with assault and battery when he leveled Brad in accounting with a devastating elbow while he was distracted by a regional conference call.

But I guess when you stop playing they forget how you lead

Washington gets behind Colt, prepares to get kicked in the face five more times. 

The fourth generation Honda Accord has aged incredibly well. Honda was getting things right in the early ‘90s. Clean lines, excellent proportions, and an honest design that said quality without looking like it tried too hard.

3rd gen Acura TL is the king of this.