
Maybe Ryan Murphy should focus on making a show that doesn’t go to shit midway through the season?

Hes not in his reich mind.

six years on one count of violating Georgia’s street gang act

Bill knows that Marvin killed it every time he was on the field, and was never gun shy about taking guys out over the middle.

The price of admission is 100 percent to the GM, 100 percocet to the owner.

They started from the fact that there were too many students in America who did not have equal access to education.

Yup, yup, yup. I hate that I am not supposed to discuss that issue without being labeled transphobic. Seriously—I support your rights. Pee next to me, work with me, teach my children—whatever, I’m fine with it. Just please stop telling me how to talk about my own life as a woman, or that I can’t connect my womanhood

The worst part is that is the bit his sycophants latched onto to excuse him — claimed that “they let you do it” meant that the women consented, that the women he assaulted were the “they” therefore it was all good. Morons. Donald gave no shits about whether the women consented since he doesn’t consider them people.

I have Medicaid. I also live in Wyoming, which is one of the several conservative states that refused to expand their Medicaid programs per the ACA. OUr Medicaid isn’t very good, and since I do also have insurance I prefer not to burden the system more than necessary. But I may not have my insurance for long, and

You’re right. She should have been awarded a posthumous Oscar for her astronomical talent for using the family name to score a couple bit parts.

I agree that it’s not fair. But it sure is fun!

The Academy didn’t erase her existence or cancel her funeral, they just didn’t show her picture on their show.

The only thing more inexplicable than Kyrie Irving’s belief that the world is flat is Phil Jackson’s belief in the Triangle Offence.

zen and the art of mediocre management

Her exclusion might have more to do with Arquette having spent her last few years in Hollywood trying to burn the place down, attacking other artists and trying to out them (even when they’re not gay.) I’m not exactly surprised the town wasn’t fond of her.

Now we know what to call him. Thanks, Sean.

Had a friend who worked in DC while GWB was President, and basically said this about him:

Look, Bush was a giant gaping asshole as president. He’s responsible for one of the greatest disasters in U.S. military history that led to the deaths of thousands of U.S. soldiers and marines and untold hundreds of thousands of civilians.