I went to a public high school in a very conservative part of Central Virginia and I straight up had a kid ask me why I killed Jesus.
I went to a public high school in a very conservative part of Central Virginia and I straight up had a kid ask me why I killed Jesus.
Trump looks far more ridiculous (I’m excluding Kerry because he was never president).
Bill’s wearing ankle socks.
I saw this thing about Al Gore where he talked about how when he watched movies with his kids he’d always pause it when they went to the bathroom and shush them to keep them from talking to respect the movie. He also talked about how he would write his friends from TN and feel bad because they had bad spelling and…
“College and heaven,” the class replied in unison.
Then near the end of my time there they were training the students to go proselytize, directly telling the students that for every new member they brought to the church, god would reward them with jewels in heaven.
In high school one of the religious kids stuck fliers up that said, “evolution is a THEORY. Teach it like one!”
On his way out, he also looked at one little girl, an African American with braided hair, and said: Oh that hair is beautiful. I love that hair, right? He walked past another African American girl, also with long braids, and said I love her hair!
On Friday, Trump, Jared Kushner and his wife Ivanka, “Little” Marco Rubio, Florida Governor Rick Scott, and Education Secretary Betsy DeVos visited St. Andrew Catholic School, a private school in Orlando, Florida, which enrolls several hundred low-income students via the Florida Tax Credit Scholarships program.
Seriously, what is the religious justification for not supporting trans kids? Assuming that the transperson is straight after transitioning, what’s the criticism?
I, personally, am shocked that Rex Tillerson former CEO of Exxon-fucking-Mobil is against pulling out of the Paris accords.
The only person I could see her reading to is Barron. And I’m going to go out on a limb and say that’s not a regular occurrence.
Here’s a video of Melania reading Oh, The Places You’ll Go to kids at a New York hospital.
There are a lot of bad things about George W. Bush. But by all indications he and Laura Bush were very good parents.
Me. I’d rather do Molly.
Oh, it gets worse. Have you ever looked at Paul Ryan’s original plan from 2009? Tell me if it looks familiar: http://paulryan.house.gov/uploadedfiles/pcasummary2p.pdf
As Bloomberg notes, “nobody” includes the Congressional Budget Office, who typically provide cost estimates for every bill introduced. Rep. Chris Collins, who sits on the Energy Committee, told the news outlet that “unfortunately,” the bill might have to be voted on before the CBO gets to see it.
That you’re prone to say things out loud that you would normally just think. It doesn’t make one spontaneously anti-Semitic.
Sessions is a puppet who pulls his own strings. Yes, Trump’s racist immigration is probably going to happen. But Sessions racism and homophobia? That can probably be avoided.