
Speaking to the Post, El-Messidi said “This is really a human issue. But out of this horrible election cycle, something beautiful has come out of it and [Muslims and Jews have] bonded together to support each other and stand up to this hate. Politics can get in the way of our basic humanity; I hope this breaks through

Bigoted, attention-hungry troll Milo Yiannopolous has resigned from Breitbart and lost his Simon & Schuster book deal after comments surfaced of him condoning sex acts with 13-year-old boys. (The Islamophobia, misogyny, racism and harassment were all fine, though.)

Speaking of sleeping with much younger men...

Give him time.

Hopefully the discrimination suit which the feds just decided in women’s favor is going to lead to some real change, at least for female directors. Fingers crossed.

I actually think Johnson is going to bring a lot of something that is really wonderful and awe inspiring to the job........I’m sure there’s a word to describe it, it’s just escaping me at the moment.

This is outstanding. I’m actually genuinely thrilled for this and hope that he has a long, long career running the Lakers.

Kobe is a great hire because he will not be the typical front office guy that’ll pass the buck when things get tough.

This is overblown. He’s got a lot to learn but he’ll have AIDS.

I’m glad that women are getting more leading roles, but let’s remember this the next time a prominent white actress cites her womanhood to derail a conversation about whitewashing. You can’t knowingly benefit from your whiteness and call yourself a feminist. Until women of all kind are represented, we’ve still got

it’s “possible that introducing female protagonists is somehow an easier, less threatening fix than hiring women directors and writers.”

Any leader who calls a free and independent press “the enemy of the people” is an existential threat to democracy.

People are people and that’s how we should all feel about each other unless a specific person or group does us or others harm. It’s all about reorienting your brain to ask everyone their name and preferred pronoun. If we do that with cisgender people (like myself) then it will take down that barrier between cis and

You know something that helps? Reading and watching shows about children who realize they’re trans from a very early age. Their explanations for how they feel are so spontaneous and honest you can really get an unfiltered glimpse into what being (and feeling) trans is like, and it sort of becomes obvious that trans

Don’t beat yourself up. I have some discomfort regarding the topic as well. I support folks living their lives as they see fit and sometimes that is/ has to be enough.

So, if I’m interpreting things correctly, she got complaints from a few trans women because of the phrasing “female” in the title? That’s not really representative of all trans women, though.

Transguy here. Your discomfort is probably around ambiguity in some transpeople than transpeople themselves. Lots of people, even the most open-minded people, tend to have a visceral deep discomfort with ambiguity of gender/sex. Even many transpeople struggle. I now read 100% male to people after medical transition,

One from the vaults podcast by Morgan Page is a great podcast about north American trans history and does a good job of showcasing extraordinary trans people while normalizing trans ppl and culture. Listening to their stories, I hope you become as invested in trans civil rights as I have!

These would be perfect if I allowed my sub to wear anything.

Sit down and really, really think about why you’re uncomfortable with trans people. Are you caught up in thinking in terms of “loud, obnoxious, tacky drag queen” stereotypes? Did you buy in to the “Men in dresses sneaking into women’s bathrooms” fear? Are you more uncomfortable with trans women than trans men?