I feel like education and exposure go a long way. Read up and get to know the trans community as “people” instead of abstract concepts. People tend to be more comfortable with diversity when they are no longer “the Other,” but instead a friend or neighbor.
Conservative activists are proposing a law that only allows for the doll to be shipped in blue packaging.
It got on the ballot thanks to one guy who runs a charity and has a great view of the Hollywood sign from his office and doesn’t want that view to be ruined by a new building right across the street. And that’s why the AIDS Healthcare Foundation, of all organizations, has donated millions of dollars to pass the…
Want to make sure that lower and middle class people can afford to live in your city?
Dude you anally raped a 13 year old and got away with not spending a day in jail for it. The world has given you far more than you deserved by allowing you to walk free, make plenty of movies and live in comfort during the time you were supposed to be spending in prison. Don’t be fucking greedy here.
“The year before that they was wearing trash bags”
By the way the mere fact that someone commits a crime doesn’t give you probable cause to search their home. The reason they had it here was that in addition to those facts they knew he owned guns and he told them that they were at that address.
They had probable cause but they didn’t get a warrant. Instead they relied on the fact that he signed a consent form to skip the warrant, but the courts ruled that he didn’t consent voluntarily.
i want back into the matrix.
This is exactly why I get in so many fights with people that claim Hinkie is a genius and the Sixers shouldn’t have fired him. Even if “The Process” was the right approach, the execution was absolutely terrible. The list of players that could have been had instead of MKG, Okafor, Noel, etc. is embarrassing. Of all of…
My parents watched it. They said “Wow, it was really good, but it was really hard to watch.”
Thank you for pointing this out. I’ve been trying to come up with a reason why Republicans are failing to pursue these very clear, without-a-doubt obvious issues other than partisanship.
I’m German and I’m getting tired of that narrative too. This has basically been around since the war but a better and more realistic perspective from the 70s on lately is being replaced by the old thing: Germans were generally normal, if a little slow people that were somehow inattentive enough to let a bunch of outer…