
If you bought your plan before the ACA was passed that wasn’t allowed to happen. If you bought it after... caveat emptor.

John Ziegler, chief right wing Penn State apologist, is already denying this. It’s glorious.

I’d argue that the movies don’t need a break from being made, they need a break from being made by Bryan Singer.

 I have no idea how Hillary Clinton is filling her time these days, but I’ll say this: this is not a good use of it. I mean, if it makes her feel better then fine, I guess. But Hillary, if you’re doing it for us, you can keep it.

I don’t know if Trump is a racist himself. But he certainly advocates for policies that are popular with racists. Milo, Richard Spencer, and Gavin McInnes are the leaders of the alt right, who are Trump’s most ardent and devoted followers. They are racists.

Uhhh no, that is what Obama was doing. Obama was making executive orders which either violated our laws, or which were outside the President’s purview.

I’m ambivalent about going or not. It’s supposed to be an honor: if you choose not to accept it for whatever reason that’s fine. I was fine when Brady did it, when Tim Thomas did it, and I’m fine now.

Oh, hell no! First, I dug up all the bodies, pissed on ‘em, and then buried them again upside-down.
Kyle: Why?
Shop Owner: Why? I don’t know. I was drunk.

Oh, I think he’ll be fine with the Royals. Trudeau should be interesting.

Yeah, I love the idea that President Obama was “weak”. Remember the Yemen raid that Trump fucked up? President Obama did that sort of thing frequently and also used drones. President Obama was basically JFK without the poor health and infidelity.

Oh, I like to think it explains everything since Randy Savage saved us from the rapture in 2011.

Yes. It’s a shortened version from the election. “Hillary Clinton vs. Donald Trump? Is America buried on an ancient Indian Burial Ground? Ohhhhhh.”

The blu ray remaster is a fucking masterpiece.

Remember how the Right LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVED to talk about how President Obama embarrassed us on the world stage? How do they defend Trump?

Ah, you’re missing a small detail. He’s not a SUCCESSFUL businessman. Common mistake.

Because our country was built on an ancient Indian burial ground and it’s finally coming back to haunt us.

His apparent intention to lead through executive fiat, his desire to “punish” women for having an abortion, his abhorrence for free press. That sort of thing. Also, his admiration for Putin and his (and I’m being generous here) ambivalence towards his white nationalist supporters (who are his most enthusiastic and

I can’t believe I forgot the rod...

There is no fucking way he wasn’t named for Jefferson Davis and PT Beauregard. Zero. None. Zip. Zilch.