
I think Tom’s strategy of a “hold me over car” is correct, but the most obvious answer here would seem to be to fix the Grand Caravan and just use that until you can get a hybrid Maverick or used hybrid Sienna/Pacifica in your price range. It depends on how much the torque converter costs to fix, but the fuel cost


Schwinn went through bankruptcy restructuring many years ago (I think late 90's) and became nothing more than a brand name for box stores to sell as “higher end” than Huffy. They are not the same quality bicycles you parents remember from the 70's and 80's.

Compared to recent cars ( I am looking at you, BMW,...again) it has become much more friendly to the eye.

Comments like these are why I read the comments section, thank you

Reminds me of CSX2299. Due to a few small errors, the windshield was mounted too high, and the roof peaks at the front instead of the back like the other 5 cars.

Yeah, I dig the new one, too.

I’m fine with either of the grille styles but there’s another design feature that the “new Z” inherited from the predecessor. It’s the roof line. Why is the highest point of the car just behind the windshield? The highest point of the car should be where the driver’s head is (I’ll ignore the long roofs at this point).

Two people had to really want it for that price to be reached.

WASHINGTON, DC–A study released Monday by the American Public Transportation Association reveals that 98 percent of Americans support the use of mass transit by others.

Though I’m not someone who actually knows what he’s talking about, wouldn’t fake headlights be a great place to put all the sensors and cameras and gibbins and guffins that all those adaptive whatsits and whosits need? Way better than the standard “big piece of plastic we slapped a picture of a grille on” at a minimum.

Going from “Sedona” to “Carnival” was a massive branding error, IMO. Yes, I know, it probably doesn’t effect sales that much, but it’s hard to take a vehicle called the “Carnival” seriously.

I am the luckiest guy in the world.

But they didn’t crash. Like they knew what they were doing, I guess?

They pretty much always need the flight hours anyway.

Now, THIS is real military recruitment. Sign me up.

The center stack of that reminds me strongly of the martians on Sesame Street.

Nope! It was by Roberto Giolito.

I find your lack of Citroën dashboards disturbing.

The Fiat was designed by Bangle right? He definitely pushed boundaries that made a huge impact (just needed refinement over years and by others) but that interior looks like it was inspired by Adderall and Geiger.