This just makes me want to watch Parks & Rec bloopers.
This just makes me want to watch Parks & Rec bloopers.
My ex reached out during his divorce last year, and I was happy to lend a sympathetic ear. HOWEVER. He and I broke up amicably ten years ago and there was no cheating or betrayal, and his ex-wife came several years after we parted. Jen - run, girl!
The best movies I saw this year (The Lobster, Swiss Army Man, and Hunt for the Wilderpeople) did not make it anywhere near the Oscars discussion. Such is Hollywood.
My best friend growing up had siblings and a stay-at-home-mom, while I was an only child from a dual-income house. The difference was significant but not crazy (we both went to the same public schools, for example). But I think it was Harry Potter that finally put it all in perspective, when we were about 11 years old…
We have a long weekend where I live and this is PERFECT FUCKING TIMING. I mean, not that I’ll need three days to watch this.
I don’t care for the shoes or fur, but I’d fuck with the rest for sure.
Uhhhh that third cover is more like “gently obscured labia.”
Love tried to do what Master of None did but forgot to include social commentary and charm. Which is really a shame because there are so many amazing people in the cast (Claudia O’Doherty, Kyle Kinane, Paul Rust, Brett Gelman...).
Someone just turned me on to Rectify which is really good. Its a bummer story set in the south, sooooo it will go perfectly with the hard stuff.
The Santa Clarita Diet is the perfect thing to binge watch while you do other things, like clean your house or, as I did last night, bake a cake. Its goofy and a bit too peppy, but does have a dark sweetness to it that reminds me of United States of Tara (a legit amazing show).
I also think its challenging because although the CEO is publicly pro-Trump, the rest of the company may not be. So you’re not only walking away from a CEO that you disagree with, but hundreds of hard-working people who are maybe more on your side. I used to work for a company with a publicly loathed CEO and it was…
If you’re inspired to buy a t-shirt, I think these ones are particularly well designed (plus proceeds are going to PP!).
I love this, but why do CG when you could have Kate McKinnon IN THE FLESH? She is seriously the perfect combo of funny and warm.
Thank you. Came here to post this!
I had to dissect this movie for a media literacy class I took in high school. Its actually a weirdly conspiratorial movie.
Drake & Bieber are not attending the Grammy’s because they know the Juno’s are the only true music awards ceremony.