
I can’t believe how many times I have had to bring this up with Trump supporters. They voted for a guy who will install in the Surpreme Court someone who may possibly kill unions once and for all. The Republicans have been ushering a case to the Supreme Court that will make union dues voluntary. This basically will

Labor is a huge portion of a factories costs and decision bias, but it is easy to dismiss things like shipping costs, raw goods transferred, and all the other pieces that make up overhead. Big stuff like cars, need reliable steel and aluminum suppliers, good shipping structures, and reliable small component suppliers

There’s no such thing as a UAW or non-UAW state.

But Trump’s base thrives on the shiny and sparkling short term return. Damn the future.

It should come as no surprise that this looks particularly short-sighted to me. Though gas prices go up and down, consumers tend to buy based on prices a the pump as they are. No longer pressuring car companies to to have long-term goals in mind when consumers have shown time and time again to have little to no

Have you seen India and China in the past two years? My guess is, no.

And neither are pollution regs?

China agrees with you

You can’t be serious.

Funny thing, too. I still can’t find any Benghazi theorists who can tell me where in the Chain of Command and under which branch of military service the Secretary of State can be found, and what her pay grade is, and thus her level of responsibility in that chain. Every patriot I’ve asked has generally gone quiet

doomed either way is a stupid sentiment. If you thank Clinton is in any way equivalent to Trump you lack critical thinking skills or you’re paying attention to the wrong sources.

Benghazi? Not her fault and no stand down order was ever given.

Clinton Foundation? Rated A and 4 stars by the two more reputable charity

Kinda. They House and Senate faught tooth and nail for everything he wanted to pass.

There will be enough republicans to keep Hillary in check. We are not doomed. I refuse to believe that.

Wow salty much over your upcoming loss?

It’s all down to the greater of two lessors

In her defense, Barra was handed that steaming pile of ignition shit after she took office, and even then it was only unveiled to her one shovel-load at a time. Feels an awful lot like she got a similar deal to what Obama got when he took office. “Here are the keys buddy. Hope you don’t mind I thrashed the hell out

Yea, my cousins logic was ‘well it was the same payment’ and all j can think is “you’ll never save a dime my friend”.

I doubt anyone with half a brain....

Caters to the general public unfortunately.

Brexit was the largest and most needless fuck-up of our era. It’s been hilarious watching the number of assorted racists, nationalists and xenophobes trying to defend it as ‘taking Britain’s independence’ and ‘really not that bad for the Pound’ and ‘better for trade deals’. The lack of understanding about economics,