
Actually, they can time lights perfectly.

IF the intersections are evenly spaced. That’s the problem - rarely are the intersections spaced at some integral unit of distance (ie, at 1000m or integral multiples thereof). When you combine that inconsistency with the inconsistency of spacing on lights on crossing streets,

The feeling’s mutual, you reckless fool.

That has to be one of the dumbest fucking responses I’ve seen.

Maybe the anti-mass transit forces who whine about subsidies will stop and think twice when they realize how miserable traffic can be without mass transit.


Do you notice that the number of people agreeing with me outweighs the loudmouth obnoxious jerks like yourself more than 2:1?

I wish I had my dashcam running this morning to show you exactly the bullshit driving I’m talking about. All of this occurred ahead of me: Idiot tailgating in the right lane, which slows

That’s a lovely theory. But reckless drivers don’t care if you’re signalling.

Where’s the Ford Fiesta?

“He’s got my vote on Super Tuesday 2!”

As an Ohioan who has had to live through the regressive, anti-education, corrupt administration and poor job market we’ve seen under Kasich, you should think twice about that.

(I know this whole story was a joke, but Kasich is not)

Reading comprehension fail you?

I’m in the passing lane TO PASS. You are required to move over when it is safe. It isn’t safe with a reckless driver on your tail where they are almost guaranteed to swerve into the right lane before it is safe for you to even move there... thus moving to the right would be extremely

And why the fuck do you think I’m in the passing lane in the first place?


When you have a reckless driver on your tail, they have precluded ANY move from being safe, as they’re extremely likely to swerve in and cut off your move to any adjacent lane. Let the asshole pick their path, then move back to the right

YOU should have your license revoked since you obviously can’t evaluate safe moves. When you have a reckless driver on your tail, any move, left or right, is highly likely to result in an accident. Let the asshole pick their path, and when it is safe to get back over, THEN do so.

Reading comprehension should be your friend, but apparently it isn’t.

If I’m in the passing lane, that means I’m passing someone. It isn’t safe to cut someone off moving over into their lane - you need to have adequate space between you and them when you make the move. 90%+ of the time, tailgaters won’t wait for this,

Yes, you can get ticketed for hanging out in the left lane .. IF you have a safe opportunity to move over. Someone driving recklessly and tailgating removes this safe opportunity and you will NEVER get a ticket. The tailgater will, however.

Isn’t that cute that you live in a magical area where reckless tailgating assholes actually are somehow simultaneously patient enough to wait until it is safe for you to move over.

Reading comments from reckless drivers like yourself piss me off. The feeling’s mutual, asshole.

Listen motherfucker...

Someone tailgating is CLEARLY driving recklessly and is unpredictable. Those who want to safely inform someone that they want to go faster can follow at a safe distance and use their high beams if they want to. They still have to wait until it is safe for me to return to the right lane, but I’ll

You’re the very reason we need self-driving vehicles.

The law requires me to move to the right when it is *safe*. It isn’t safe to do so when a driver is recklessly tailgating - the vast majority of the time those same tailgaters will push into the right lane well before it is safe for you to even move over, cutting off the vehicle in the right lane, flooring it and

What part of IT ISN’T SAFE do you not understand? These same assholes that tailgate invariably swerve and cut people off. When you’re barely 1 car length ahead of the vehicle you just passed, they’ll floor it and swerve into that lane. If you try to move, you’re causing an accident. Let the asshole be an asshole and