
So where are you from, mr. perfect?!

Well we should have assumed that inhaling smoke might be a bad thing. I'm not saying let's not make sure it's safe; I'm just the risk seems low compared to something like cigarettes

Maybe I'm naive here, but (and the article kind of mentions this as well) is there ANY proof that there's a problem with genetically modifying foods? I could see if maybe there were crop issues, with a GMO crop overtaking native plants , or somehow being poisonous to birds or something, but to me it seems like they're

Apparently you've never met a goose. Those dudes LOVE bread

I'm not really seeing the cool factor in these... I love desktop PCs (mostly for reasons that wouldn't apply to this thing since it doesn't look like it's got many standard parts in it) and it's great to see that apple is still catering to those users. The inside looks pretty cool, the outside reminds me of a mall

If using my nexus 7 as an infotainment system is any indication; yes, they can.

Why do you say that? Becuase it's centered around a technology company? Or am I missing something

You could say that that's kind of what android is. You can make it look almost exactly like iOS, or WP8, or anywhere in between.

Though not everyone can afford to drop 600 dollars on a phone all at once.

I'm not really even loyal to a system anymore (though I do have a PS3 right now which I barely ever use) so this isn't coming from any fanboyism or anything, but why exactly?

I'll tell you why. (well , in my opinion at least) .

Well what do you expect, one great phone and a ton of phones so shitty that nobody would want one? It's not a flagship phone, it's just another -nice- phone from HTC. This is the phone you buy your teen daughter for her birthday or something. It's got the facebook thing already loaded. There's not really anything

Haha, well then you should totally download it.

well, other than pencils

that's no squircle. It's just a circle

There doesn't need to be a point to it.

Get off my lawn!

I'm guessing they meant to say "air" . I was confused too

Alternatively, you could just fill your memory card with garbage (videos, music, photos, whatever) until you only have 36 shots left, then turn off the preview feature on the camera...

What does that even mean? Are you implying that people love android because apps can be developed for it?