
Have you read Apple’s Terms Or even Kotaku’s For that matter every comment you post on here they can use, every picture for ShopTaku they can use. This is all very standard in this day in age. This seems a little silly to get up in arms about.

Posting a comment like that can & should get you reported for obvious reasons.

NO! He just really really likes Spotify, also for an unrelated reason he has a year of free service which makes him like it even MORE!

I love how the “I don’t pay for cable” stance *usually* ends in the person stealing the shows from everywhere possible. I commend you on your scrappiness, but I just can’t get behind the argument. Depending on your morals/views, it’s equivalent to, “I stopped buying food at the grocery store... I’ve found it to be

Don't be that guy, man.

Extremely hard! Here is a coal seam fire that is still going for 40+ years.

The fan blows out the top? That sounds Elefun!

I work on the WP dev team that created "Metro". The idea is focused around reduction. We were inspired by airport terminals and train station signs. Simple type and flat icons used to easily direct people through complex worlds. Perfect for our complex devices that need to be user friendly.