
Cool political opinion. We’re all super proud of ya!

I’m not really standing up for Oculus here or anything, my preorder isn’t supposed to ship till July, but does facebook have any experience shipping a physical product either? They might have money , but they’re a software company for the most part.

okay dad

My girlfriend and were trying to find a good alternate to Rdio and ultimately we’ve decided to switch to Google Play Music. While I do like Spotify’s rdio-like sharing feature (where you can share songs with other USERS rather than using links to share everything) and some of the exclusives that spotify has from time

I don’t pay for cable, but mostly just becuase I can’t really justify the cost. I’d say I “can’t afford” cable, but I’m sure if I really wanted, I could find room in my budget, but just barely, and at the detriment of putting what little I have left in savings. I ultimately decided that netflix/hulu+/Amazon Prime was

“and steal snacks from the gas station”

Who do you have service through? my girlfriend is paying around 45 a month for 6mbps with Comcast (becuase they’re the only real option in her area) and I’m paying about the same for 50mbps because I got a special deal for the next year .

Agreed on your first point, but the 360 battery life was never as bad as it was originally made to sound. the first day I had mine, I played with it a lot and got terrible battery life, but after a couple days of use, my battery life was much better (to the point where I didn't have to charge it at all until I put it

Dos Equis Ambar is my go-to whenever I'm at a mexican restaurant!

Next up on twitter; people complaining about terrible spelling in people who complain about people complaining's posts.

The ekobrew (along with solofill and a couple others ) is better (or at least easier) becuase the keurig brand one requires swapping out a part of the coffee maker every time you want to use your own coffee. As someone who buys k-cups AND brews his own coffee, it's nice not having to put the piece back in every time I

Guess we should read things better... apparently this article is from february... how did I get here?

So did I ... Not sure what they're talking about "this august" . I know for a fact that the mail just came this past Saturday.

Android version coming soon... yeah right. I've waited a half a decade or so now for their RJDJ app to come out for android.

This all feels very HTC One X-esque...

Of course I've thought of it. I just don't know if I believe it's correct yet.

I'm confused....

Agreed. It felt a little amateur (though maybe that's what they were going for) when the hands kind of fumbled to flip the pages, or occasionally flipped too far ahead. I'm also a bit disappointed that this is the official(?) video for such a great song

Are you sure that's why they named it that, though?

I'll never understand apple fans...