
I'm having trouble understanding ingress. How am I supposed to go find stuff when there's things like roads, and moving vehicles in my way?

I always sort of considered chipotle as being on a different level than actual mexican food.

In a home bar, sure. The BottomsUp was designed with stadiums etc. in mind. They end up spilling less, and can pour the beer a lot quicker so lines move faster.

While I agree with the idea that a 100 dollar iphone case with a bottle opener on it is stupid , not all of us carry a lighter around (also, there's a chance, albeit small, that you can blow your lighter up by doing that)

Really glad I got in on this yesterday... seems like one of those where they'll end up emailing a bunch of people saying "we're sorry but due to overwhelming demand, our supply of free glasses has run out and we'll be unable to ship you your glass"

These fucking spam ads would be more enticing if it were YOU making all that money... "my roommate's step sister does it, but I'm such a pussy that I just post the referral link for her"

I think the point is, if you aren't unhappy with your phone, then you might as well save yourself the trouble of learning about jailbreaking.

I know you're specifically asking the writer, but I'd like to take a stab at it.

What do you mean by that?

I'm on ATT and my experience with the One X has been mostly positive.

Virgin's cool, but they're not popular enough. I've SEEN virgin air planes at airports in the US, but never actually found a flight on one. Mostly because apparently they don't fly to/from Minneapolis.

I think that's kind of missing the point.

That quadcopter wasn't an AR drone, was it? I've been interested in them but the video quality seems a little lacking... (video quality here was very good though)

Plus, I mean, It's a balloon. There's only so much control you have over what it does or doesn't do. I'd say the fact that everyone survived means this guy's a good balloonist.

Never said it was hard, just kind of stupid. Especially since they've now updated the post to include full information. I'd rather they just waited until they had a full story to give me.

where do you think I got the Engadget part of my comment from? Just wanted a bit more of an explanation than "giant OLED TV that curves"...

So... do we just go over to engadget to learn more about this then?

Seems like a lot of those hazards would be true for a standard TV design...

You sir, are the worst kind of person.

Second vote for the Verge here. If I wasn't spending all my time on reddit, I'd probably be on The Verge