
Alright. Guess we're done here...

Here's how you get around the issue of security. On android (via custom roms at least) there's the option to set different apps to open depending on which direction you swipe to on the lockscreen.

I have a phone and a tablet. Is that so crazy?

That's a tough one. I probably wouldn't have bought a tablet if it weren't an android tablet. Would I pay that much for an android tablet NOW? Hell no. At the time it felt like it was worth it because I bought it to use as a replacement to a laptop (which I sold after buying the Xoom)

Here's something to consider as well though. When I bought my Xoom, it wasn't because of the apps. It was becuase it was an ANDROID tablet. Do you think anyone would choose android tablets over ipads if it weren't for the OS itself?

Smart move Biddle... Make all these guy's girlfriends break up with them so there's more for you and me. I like it.

Does the stylus have the same pressure sensitivity/resolution as a bamboo? If so , it might actually put it closer to the 12" Cintiq (also a Wacom product) which retails for $799

When you say "maximum depth of the ocean" I'm assuming you're talking like an average? Airliners don't generally cruise at 20 miles above ground

Too late for that... Since buying a Zune a few years ago (shut up, it was the Zune HD, that one's cool) I've removed all parts of my life that required me to use itunes. Now 99% of my music is in the cloud via google music or Rdio. Even if I wanted to go back to itunes I wouldn't have a reason to.

as far as I can tell, there's no edit button on here, so what I meant to say was, "if you're a big fan of the OS, then it wouldn't make much sense to switch"

Technology WILL get better in the next 3 years, there's no arguing that. Even if macs WERE perfect when you bought them, in 3 years, they wouldn't be as good as whatever's available at that time.

Well if you're a big fan of the OS, then it'd make sense to switch... if you're not tied down to it for any reason, why not keep your options open?

From your username , I'm guessing you're canadian. The guy in the video said "I'm moving out of Spokane" (pronounced Spokaan) indicating that he's from Spokane, which is a larger city in washington.)

Yep! haha, I'm still looking into how to overcome that. From the sounds of it, you have to buff/polish it pretty frequently to keep it looking shiny. one thought was using an automotive clearcoat, though I'm not sure if that would work or not yet.

Yeah, I actually just laid the aluminum piece on the xoom to show what it looks like assembled. I've had the cover off while sanding it since I was wet sanding. Here's someone else who did it to theirs (which is how I got the idea)

I'm actually working on modding my Xoom right now. Unfortunately I'm only doing it becuase I started it a while back and now I want to sell it so I need to finish... The ultimate goal is a mirror finish

that one has saved me a few times. Unfortunately I don't use my gmail account for work...

That's assuming you're ok with a design like that. Which I totally am!

While I agree with you to an extent (on the topic of their reporting quality possibly going down) , I kind of feel like this is obvious. If you can't GET windows 8, how would you activate it? It's not as though by having an activation key, you can just type it into "Run" and have a new version of windows install

Wow, sucks for them, not that the tech blogs found out... I just used it to install media center. Now i feel like a chump!