
b..but I just bought an A77 ....

Probably not. I don't have friends who come over and play games with me, and multiplayer games seem to be a main draw of this console.

Nah. I was talking more about some of the other stuff.

I'm imagining that this phone isn't much larger (width-wise) than my One X, right?

while that infographic (if you can call it that) is a bit too fanboyish for me (too many !'s ) , what it -does- successfully point out is prior art. Nobody is arguing that apple successfully integrated other's ideas into their product. That's how engineering works. Don't re-invent something that already works well.

Yeah.. the closest I've come to that was a couple overnights outside stores for black friday and the Wii Launch while I was in college and looking for a quick way to make a little extra cash by selling the stuff on ebay. I kind of feel bad about doing that now though. I'm sure some kid didn't get a Wii for christmas

In my opinion, yeah, but whatever, I'm not the authority on that stuff or anything.

Phone parts. I KNEW IT!

Haha, I was just messing around, but seriously, there's something fundamentally wrong with a person who sits outside a store for over a week in order to get a cheap TV.

I kind of have a hard time believing that these fat, ugly, pathetic women have jobs...

I've been with Rdio for quite a while now. The only reason I'd consider switching is the reason you mentioned (though I use Google Play Music for any tracks not on Rdio) and the fact that at least a few of my friends actually use spotify vs. the close to zero on rdio.

Yep. Rdio is the one I'm most surprised about. It's so good, yet barely anyone I know has heard of it or uses it!

Good movie, but how can you prefer it to a movie you haven't seen yet?

My personal guess would be that this is as high as you're going to see phones go.

The average person is not a PC gamer though.

screen lift may be fixed. I sent mine in for a replacement becuase of that (and a dead pixel/region on my screen) and the replacement doesn't seem to have the problem.

Haha, oh man, I'm sorry... I don't know what's wrong with me. yes. HONEYCOMB was the tablet-only version. I swear, I'm not trying to do this.

True. He's a liberal, and he's an asswipe. Just don't confuse the two.

I had kind of forgotten to add one point to this. ICS was the only android software version made for tablets only. ICS was supposed to marry gingerbread with honeycomb (so that you wouldn't have tablets running 3.X and everything else running 4.X etc. )

Yeah, I know what you're saying (and that first part that I wrote -was- a typo. Sorry bout that) What I was saying is that this is the first 10" tablet with the "phone-style" UI on it, even though Google's own vanilla honeycomb and ICS both had an actual tablet-centric layout (The Xoom , being the first GED tablet,