
I'm having a hard time casting a symbolic vote like that.... the preliminary polls/surveys have overwhelmingly shown that this is a race between Obama and Romney, and I don't think I'm comfortable enough with the idea of potentially handing an election to one candidate becuase I didn't vote for the other one. I know

Hah, here's the way I see it. Either my "team" wins tomorrow, or we get to blame someone else for our problems for the next 4 years. Win-win. If Romney becomes president, I'll be upset, but I'm all for giving people a fair chance. Maybe he'd even do a good job. who knows. He hasn't really given us any details as to

Hey, so I just flashed CM10 to my Xoom, and can confidently say that the Nexus 10 is the FIRST 10" tablet to use that layout (by "that layout" I'm specifically referring to the clock/notifications on the bottom right, navigation buttons on bottom left, app drawer button at top right)

These arguments have less and less relevance as time goes on... It's like people still using the "blue screen of death" as a talking point against Windows. We're at a point where these companies and their devices are so similar that it comes down to personal preference more than anything. Both platforms have a lot to

I'd heard other reports of some screw (or multiple screws?) that was too TIGHT and causing the screen to sit too high. Maybe check into that. I ended up getting mine replaced for the screen issue , among a couple other things, and the replacement doesn't seem to have the screen lifting.

For me it's not that I'm out 25 dollars, it's that I could have bought a 16gb for the same price, and now I'm kind of stuck with an 8gb (which is ok, but I'd have probably sprung for a 16 if it were 199 at the time) unless I want to sell it and buy a 16 (losing more money than its worth in the process probably)

Maybe I'll flash CM10 to my Xoom tonight and post a screenshot. I was almost positive that even CM10 has the tablet UI vs. what's shown on the nexus 10.

Honeycomb ICS, and 4.1 all had/have a different layout than this. I'm running jellybean on my Xoom right now (EOS, which is an AOSP ROM) and the notifications are at the bottom, control buttons at bottom right, no app drawer button on the homescreen.


Though I kind of dislike that the front of the device can't be as clean as the nexus 7 or an ipad, Putting the speakers on the front side is such a good engineering choice. I usually have to cup my hands over the speaker on my tablets (xoom and n7) to hear the sound if I'm anywhere noisy. Having the speakers point

just a small correction to what you said; Asus on the neuxs 7

Yeah... I screwed myself by buying the 8gb version. Accidentally synced my Rdio music onto it and ran out of space within a week. 32 would have been nice, now that I think back on it. haha

Yeah, every time I come here I wish the comment system was like reddit's, where comments can be up/down-voted . Stuff like this wouldn't be sitting at the top of the comment section

Don't say "amen" to apple fanboys. It makes you guys sound crazy.

Sucks for me....

I know that you're trying to make this about how the ipad is still more popular than android and other tablets, but that's not really what this article was about. The point was, they sold more kindle fires than ever before once people decided the ipad mini was going to be too expensive. There's really nothing else to


For me it's less about having thousands of apps , and more about being able to find an app that does what I want it to do within reason.

While I mostly agree with that sentiment, part of me can't help but agree with (at least what I thought was) the gist of this review, which was that , aside from needing to learn a new keyboard (this happens with all keyboards on smaller devices. they just feel weird until you get used to the spacing) windows RT

Here's my thinking. The nexus 7 and kindle fire have been very popular among android users. Apple users and fans will want an apple version of those smaller tablets (after using a nexus 7, I've got to say, it's actually a really nice size, which honestly surprised me after having a Xoom for a couple years)