
From what I've heard on that, they probably won't be able to because it's protected under some standards thing, where you can't patent a wireless standard. (you'd have to look into it a bit more if you're interested, I've got an android phone so it wouldn't affect me one way or another)

I checked to see what I could get for my Evo 4g (not the new one, the couple-year-old one) and I think it gave me a quote of like 20 dollars or something...

It's got more to do with the touchscreen becoming more technologically viable than before. (which is why a lot of blackberries still look like pre-2007 samsung phones)

Looks cool. More similar (in screen size and aspect ratio) to the rumors/speculation than the real thing even.

Come on Giz... do your jobs and stop reporting fake shit like this. If someone is walking around Apple with professional video equipment, shooting a video for recruiting purposes, do you really think they'd just leave sensitive info like that up and visible ?

I'm so jealous of people who can afford these laser cutters. So many perfect little business opportunities with minimal work involved.

to people in minnesota, Wisconsin has AWESOME fireworks.

anyone know why the water in the pool is so still?

Sorry, maybe I wasn't clear. What I was getting at was,(assuming a video was hosted online at 4k resolution) wouldn't you need a 4k screen for the video to look any better than 1080p content ?

Should this look any better than standard HD on a 1080p monitor? because it didnt

One thing that still confuses me (being a verizon xoom owner) about google tablets... What's the difference between the Xoom (a motorola product running vanilla android) and the Nexus 7?

Its alright. I like the design, but it lacks much functionality. (also from the sounds of some reviews, it wont let go of GPS after you close it) .

if you live in an apartment or other small home, you probably wouldn't need them

no man... sorry.. that photo's going to give me nightmares. Tell your wife I said good luck, but that thing scares me

kind of what I was thinking... you're spinning a lot more weight with a chunk of aluminum on there vs. a hollow plastic molded fan

Depends on the type of LEDs.

Yep... you're a tabloid now. This seals it

what, specifically, do you dislike about windows? As a longtime windows user (who's also used macs) , I'm just having a hard time objectively saying that one OS is actually BETTER than the other... they're basically the same thing these days, just with different themes.

Damn... I applied for one of the engineer positions on that team I think. Cool stuff

if I could afford to send my computer in to have it professionally repaired (or upgraded if that's even possible on this one as far as RAM and hard drive space go) then I wouldn't see an issue with the new macbooks. Unfortunately, that's not the case, and it worries me that instead of replacing something myself or