
Maybe you just werent used to it yet? Things may not have been where they USED to be, but where they SHOULD be is probably something that's a bit flexible when considering UI design

I miss assemblies... :-(

say someone was able to modify this for bluetooth compatability. Would playing on an android tablet be an option?

The biggest difference between the two that i've personally noticed (based on using android's and seeing siri used in commercials etc. ) is that while they're both pretty much as capable as each other, Siri seems a bit more "approachable" in terms of picking it up and using it. I never really use my voice actions on

well, my parents are the types of people who don't really get what the big deal about HD is, and my mom , when asked, doesn't even WANT a TV larger than the 32" in our living room (which is a good 15 feet from where she sits to watch it)

Yeah, slightly better. Why? Becuase only people like US will really notice or care. I have an android tablet so it doesn't really apply to me, but if I gave my mom (who has an ipad 2) one with a retina display, i can bet with almost 100% confidence that she wouldn't even know there was a difference. Sure, it'll look

just for the sake of the argument here, android isn't hardware, so you'd literally be talking about a software limitation (ie. not being available to run on an android device)

One thing you're missing is that , like Lion, windows 8 will still have a desktop, but showing off the desktop isn't really going to generate hype for a new product (because its largely unchanged) , however showing off what's NEW (the metro screen) , WILL generate buzz. This is why we see a lot of this- [www.blogcdn.c

last I heard (and it was a while ago) there's still going to be a desktop mode in windows 8. As a windows user, I'm not worried.

not that this really adds anything to the conversation, but when he/she said "when is the android version" , that was in reference to "When will an android version of this app be released?"

what's great about that though, is that, while painfully difficult for some, you get to use your brain to choose a phone that's right for you instead of having someone on a stage in front of a cheering audience tell you "this is your next phone" once a year

becuase its Google's job to tell people what they can do with their phones . Its HTC's job to tell you why you should buy this phone over all of the OTHER android phones. What can it do? Pretty much anything that Ice Cream Sandwich can do. Why's it better than an EVO 4G? Becuase its got a better screen, bigger

probably a big truck/SUV . My civic wont hold much more than 35 dollars worth at current prices.

.....alright, I'll bite. Wtf are you talking about

haha... ah. Guess I'm a bit behind

since when was powermat owned by duracell?

is this some kind of joke? what's going to convince me to buy a phone like that?

I've always liked mine. the camera isn't great, but I don't use it for anything requiring great photos (but yeah, it'd be nice if it was better) , The size was something I got used to after a couple weeks of using it (same with storing it in my pocket) . I installed ice cream sandwich on mine and its running great

As an evo user since september of 2010, I somewhat disagree.

sucks, doesn't it? I've had my EVO 4g since september of 2010 and it it still works great, but as far as anyone's concerned, it may as well be an original iphone