

well, if it makes you feel any better, I was really hoping the galaxy nexus would be coming to a network I'm part of (sprint currently, but switching to att in the next couple of months) , and it looks like att wont be getting that one...

This really sucks. I dont know how much BETTER the quad core is exactly, but the stars had all aligned so perfectly (just today I decided that in the next 3 months or so I'd be switching to ATT to join a family plan which would reduce my phone bill) and then I read that little bit of information... my whole world....

lol, Nice. (i thought maybe you meant the browsing wasn't as smooth or fast on it or something)

not sure if anyone else mentioned this, but in the US this phone will only be available in a dual-core model. HUGE letdown

I had the same problem when I first read this, haha

some digital cameras these days produce noise that looks a lot like film grain.

kind of disappointing that all these plants look really similar if not identical to things still around today.... just goes to show how resilient fern species are I suppose

click once to open, click again to expand

For the record, I honestly didn't think pressing enter in a gizmodo reply would register as a "return" . Some sites seem to ignore it to prevent (i'm guessing) people creating super huge posts full of empty lines.



The big difference is marketing. Google also generally releases beta builds of things which progressively improve over time (i.e. the transition from honeycomb to Ice cream sandwich as an example) . My opinion of apple after using the competitor's products for a while is that apple usually doesn't allow people to use

what if the paper is moving and not the pen? #mindblown

yeah, I'm not disagreeing with you here or anything (i'm an engineer myself) , I just wasn't sure what part you were saying would scratch it. If the whole thing was anodized , i'd say that it could scratch an ipad, but the corners look soft enough (and the fact that its covered in powdercoating, which is usually

not arguing with your comment, but isn't this a somewhat common medical procedure performed during early pregnancy (not everywhere, but i've seen two comments in this thread so far from people who've had this done and didn't think twice about it) ? I mean, I don't WANT the doctor grabbing my balls when I go in for a

why do you think it would scratch it? Looks like its got some rubbber o-rings on that rod that goes across the back (so it wouldn't touch any metal) and on the bottom, I wouldn't think powdercoating would scratch aluminum

what I'm saying is that yeah, of COURSE there's a bias in reviews. Introducing a bias in the RIGHT direction however can't do much harm. Consider me, an android user reviewing the iphone 4s. Its got a tiny screen, the same design as last year's model, and the same basic software since the iphone 1. Aquaclear Score-

we need reviews written by people who could actually see themselves using the device. I , an android user, would NOT be qualified to review the 4s becuase all I'd be doing is comparing it to MY phone which has a lot of features that are important to ME that make it better than an iphone.

.....blows it in a good way or a bad way?