
It looks like a really compelling vid from my Instagram Stories feed.

This is the best thing I’ve read all week. Thank you.

Oh boy. You’re boring.

It should be called the Control The Women Bill.

How fucking pathetic must your life be to be bent out of shape for more that 2 hours over people bbq-ing in a park? That is some #whitenonsense.

I’m sorry I have but one star to give this comment.

Agreeing with Agree! He is a complete fox and this pic does him no justice.

We used to live next door to a family that had a couple of Shetlands when I was little. Our full grown male St. Bernard used to jump the fence between our houses and they (ponies and dog) would take turns chasing each other around the corral. It was a delight to watch.

Seriously? Oh come on down from your high horse. They are consensual relationships (however they want to define them) between adults. Who cares how, when or why they fuck? Also, your judgmental attitude about sex work is boring and outdated.

So let me get this straight. I should be paying taxes for you to stay home and tell “me” that you “cannot” get a job in this market, or that it is “too difficult” or “too hard” or “Due to my living situation”.

JFC. I agree Cuomo needs a serious challenger. I also think that actors with good intentions need to throw their weight behind people with *actual* public policy experience. Look, I’m not sure how a candidate is supposed to be able to understand and relate to the needs of their constituents when they are used to

LOL everyone should just pop on over to Breitbart and read the comments on the Trump is coming for your guns “article”. It is comedy gold. Side note: I guess spelling never counted in any of their constitutional law classes.

I hope this breaks the wall of silence from crew members who have been harassed and assaulted. For every actor that comes forward there are 100 costumers, make-up artists, p.a.s, camera assistants, crafties, prop assistants, grips, medics, drivers, studio teachers, caterers, stunt people, editors, etc who haven’t been

I loved his cameo in The Kids in the Hall Movie: Brain Candy.

After 20 years of school shootings I don’t think anyone is dismissing the rhetoric of the NRA. After 20 years of allowing schoolchildren to be sacrificial lambs for the almighty dollar, I know the NRA is deadly serious. They get very touchy when you mess with their bottom line.

This is fucking beautiful.

This idiocy was playing while I was at the gym this morning.

Shitty pet people come in all stripes and across all species.

Steven Dorff is a low-rent Steven Dorff.

“Hey, Dummy!”