Can someone tell me why the fuck is to ok to criticize this woman’s face?
Can someone tell me why the fuck is to ok to criticize this woman’s face?
Oh come on now, my first job in the entertainment industry was flying reels of Titanic footage from LA up to the editors at Lucas Valley Ranch. I few commercial out of Burbank and that product was worth *billions*.
Maybe I wasn’t clear: 55 at the start of their term is as old as I think we should go.
I don’t want anyone over 55 at this point.
They have standards? Asking for a friend.....
My husband and his sister (different birth parents) were both adopted 5 years apart by the same couple. Their parents are amazingly wonderful humans who raised amazingly wonderful humans. Cut to: I was once relaying these facts to my boss at the time and she told me she just didn’t understand how anyone could love…
So basically we’ve fucked public education to the point where Americans no longer have the mental agility to program a fucking kitchen appliance.
Is it weird that Jez is still using Vice as a resource for articles?
Speaking of missing Gettys: What ever happened to Balthazar? I crushed *real* hard on him back in da 90s.
I worked on Kingdom and Nick was *absolutely* the favorite. Smart, professional and ALWAYS ON TIME.
8 rape scenes tells me that the only story here is about some neck beard sitting at Starbucks, pounding out a “screenplay” between Nerdstrong sessions.
Yeah, I think so. She typically dresses herself.
Blake, it’s time to get a stylist. I know you think you know what’s what, but I’m telling you, it’s time to hire a professional. I mean, we all have teeth but I’m not about to do my own dental work, ya dig?
I was at Biennale in Venice back in May (cause I’m super fancy) and the women’s restroom line was so freaking long we migrated over to the much shorter men’s line since it was ALL STALLS (no urinals) and it was glorious! If it’s all enclosed stalls, IDGAF where you pee.
That method seems.... inefficient. They couldn’t donate it and take the tax write off?
Well known actor. I was setting his costume in his trailer closet for the next scene when he and his co-star, a male character actor, walked into the trailer. I had worn a skirt and tights that day and this actor told me, while I had my back up against the closet door, that he wanted to turn me around, push my face…
Welcome to the Darkest Timeline DirtBag. FFS that was dark. I may not be able to choke down my brioche frenchtoast and matcha lattes now.
“Blacklisted” = producers don’t want to deal with all the baggage that comes with hiring you for projects.
They’re called Doggles, okay?! .... I had a terrible week and quit a job yesterday because I politely declined stealing from the company at the request of my boss so I drown myself in wine last night and am obsessively buying houseplants right now to fill the empty space that used to be where my job was so I will see…
Now, can we please all try to remember this complicit horseshit when Zuck tries to get his presidential run off the ground in 2020?