re Jenny Slate: Body snarking is so 2012. Also, I'm starting to find her insufferable.
re Jenny Slate: Body snarking is so 2012. Also, I'm starting to find her insufferable.
But to be fair: EVERYONE is over Nars Orgasm.
NBC: CBS-ing so hard...except in the ratings department.
Costuming is very, VERY difficult. As a designer and costume department you have to contend with what the actors want, what the producers want, what the writers think they want and what the network demands. There are a lot of chefs in that kitchen and because everyone wears clothing, everyone thinks that are an…
Was one of them named Chincoln Lafee?
I’m at the Hollywood Bowl waiting for Florence + The Machine to perform. I just had a mediocre hotdog and a 32 oz plastic cup of Chardonnay.
I walked out of a free industry screening of “Very Bad Things”. Actually, myself, my friends and several other people did as well. My only regret is that I didn’t kick Peter Berg in the shins on the way out. What a piece of mysoginistic crap. ( I’m speaking of both the movie AND Berg.) Also, has there ever been a more…
Mohamed is going to get closer to the Whitehouse than she ever did. How do those grapes taste, Sarah? A little sour perhaps?
Marc Jacobs sends his minions into Western Costume in LA every season to knock off vintage clothing pieces and prints. Jessica Simpson’s brand has as much originality as Jacobs.
Sweet, sweet Simi Valley. Home of the Ronald Reagan Library and the exoneration of the cops that beat Rodney King. Its overwhelmingly white and conservative. It's like Lake Havasu but with more personal watercraft trailers.
Who are the idiots that are butt hurt about her statement? Like, find something to actually be outraged about: like congressional apathy towards the Zadroga Act. Or the lack of skin tone undergarments for women of color....Also, just because I was removed from a woman’s body during my infancy does not automatically…
Zach Braff, Josh Radnor and David Schwimmer are all the same awful person. They were all the worst characters on their various TV shows and they all directed and starred in shitty, self-indulgent tripe.
Walking is for plebeians.
Nailed it again! Awesome! All the girls must adore you! You’re clearly a genius with a huge dick!
You are so fucking smart. You nailed it here with this brilliant meme. You’ve just toppled feminism! Great work!
Absolutely. This is a well written and thoroughly fleshed out idea. It is very clear that you put in a lot of time applying critical thought. Please be very proud of yourself.
A stopped clock is correct twice a day.
Nailed it! You are a treasure. Please never leave us.
I agree with that statement and I love that they point out the lack of diversity in directing, etc. However, if they wanted to paint a much clearer picture of what its like to be a woman in HW they would include BTL.
Sweet. A bullet point shout out for writers & producers in addition to the continuing coverage of actresses and directors. Que the warm fuzzies.