I did. They mentioned producers. Briefly. There is still a whole world of women working behind the scenes making inroads and kicking ass that Jez never acknowledges.
I did. They mentioned producers. Briefly. There is still a whole world of women working behind the scenes making inroads and kicking ass that Jez never acknowledges.
Why is it that whenever Jezebel does an article about “women of Hollywood” it is almost EXCLUSIVELY about actresses and directors? There are SO MANY OTHER PARTS OF FILM AND TELEVISION PRODUCTION. How about some fucking articles about women editors or directors of photography or best boys or costumers or production…
Was it Kelly Osbourne?
I can tell from your thoughtful, measured and timely comment on a thread that is more than a year old that you DON’T have a lot of time on you hands and probably AREN’T a deeply unhappy person. But that’s cool. I mean, wow. You sure showed me. Sick burn Brah. Hit the showers. You must be exhausted.
Vince Neil.
I heartily disagree about the uselessness of the mini Le Creuset crocks! Mine is being used as a VERY handy ashtray when I need to empty my one-hitter.
Exactly how much money do I have to spend at a restaurant in order to NOT have to listen to little fucking Dakota and/or little fucking Caiden watch Elmo on their fucking iPads during a dinner service? Please, just tell me. I will pay that amount of money. The mister and I go to many high-end restaurants in LA (we are…
You forgot Child Molester Apologist!
He is so life-like.
See also: anyone in the US Armed Forces.
If you have a smartphone, I suggest downloading the Shazaam App. It is annoying to say but suuuuuper helpful when trying to name that tune!
Fair enough.
Oh Sarah Silverman, black people don’t need a white savior. Please stfu and go away.
Wait a second. LA has an unspoken agreement with celebrities. They get the Westside and all of us plebeians get the Eastside. We don’t cross La Cienega and try to buy up all the James Perse tank tops and shitty Sprinkles cupcakes and they don’t try and horn in on our Eastside awesomeness. Fuck off, Perry. Go buy some…
She is so basic even my house plants are bored.
Pissy-Pants Fuck Boy tears are delicious.
Blankets. How do they work?
t doesn’t matter how much $$ you spent on that suuuuuper tacky LV bag. It looks fake no matter what.
OMG pissy pants fuckboy tears are delicious.