
Sweet Jeebus Kansas is THE WORST... Last year I blocked the entirety of my mom's side of the family on FB after my ridiculously stupid, douche-bag uncle asked me if I was a "lezzie" when I posted something pro LGBTon my page. A lezzie. This is a (chronologically) grown-ass man of 51. He even went to college. When I

If someone starts a Kickstarter to raise funds to punch that piece of human garbage in the face , I will gladly donate $$.

If someone starts a Kickstarter to raise funds to punch that piece of human garbage in the face , I will gladly donate $$.

So is it a gay vaccine that causes autism? Can someone please get Jenny McCarthy on the phone and let her know this other dummy is blowing up her spot!

Do you have any data or research to share?

If only, Shia. If only.

Colorado, huh?
That's fine but I would be high as fuuuuuuuuuuuuck the entire time.

Near where I live in LA, there is a memorial by a freeway entrance for a young woman who was found dead and decapitated in that spot nearly two years ago. It is a tragic event that hasn't been solved but because of the small banner and occasional bouquet of flowers, this woman hasn't been least not by

There is always a time and place for a dead baby joke and it's usually here and now so.....


Oh the aborted fetuses don't go to the funeral home. They go in the incinerator.
There. Fixed it for you.
I'll bring the dip.

Oh the aborted fetuses don't go to the funeral home. They go in the incinerator.
There. Fixed it for you.
I'll bring the dip.

Am I allowed to regift the presents of hatred?
Can I take them to a white elephant party?
Can I get a gift receipt for them?
The jokes! They write themselves!
I'm tired now.

I see your point but I'm willing to bet that Brooks and Lyonne are working with different people (stylists and designers) than Dunham. Also, Dunham might just have shitty taste.

I think she wears unflattering things because the stylists and designers she works with don't know how to dress a body that isn't a size 4 or less....And I'm saying this as a working stylist/costumer.

Its 72 in LA today, a little chilly but not too bad. I have the windows open to catch a breeze and in an hour or so, I'm going to go work in my garden. My YEAR ROUND GARDEN. Bwahahahahha!

"Fresno? Nobody goes to Fresno."- Chief Wiggum.

Can we discuss that it's Rick from The Walking Dead trying to fuck over his best friend for Keira K?
I would be more on board if Keira were a zombie and Carl shows up just in time ( before they kiss) to shoot her between the eyes and put on her stupid hat.

Played by Rick from The Walking Dead. This gives me pause.

So maybe Camille and Elizabeth "The Wurst" Wurtzel can get an Odd Couple type reality show. On second thought, maybe they can just go away.