
Fuck that. Make every parent with a male child get Rapist Insurance. I bet a suuuuper high premium and deductible will get these assholes to teach their sons not to rape instead of telling their daughters not to get raped.
I think I'm having a rage stroke.

No way. There are some really great Levi's out there. If anything, Levi's are the PBR of jeans....and Lee would be Natty Lite.

Pro tip: Don't let Victorias Secret employees "measure" you for a bra. They do it incorrectly so you will "fit" one of their products. They have their own sizing to keep you coming back. For example: You go to VS, get measured and buy one of their bras. Then a couple months later you go to Macy's to buy a bra using

I believe you buy them by writing a check for 20k or so and call it a "donation".

"Quiet you, what with all your considerations of other religions, history and cultures out there! We have no use for you!"

Have you considered that perhaps you are the common denominator in this equation?
Then it's totally all the other women, ever.

Oh Joan Rivers, your relevancy has waned, your toxicity has waxed and my patience with you has ended.

What sweet bullshit is this? I live and love LA but sometimes, Angelenos are their own worst enemies.

Ugh. Enough with the Guy/Girl Code bullshittery.
How about we all just pledge allegiance to the Don't Be an Asshole Code?

She gives all of the Fs.

I'm curious as to how the 1.6% of Americans who identify as atheist (numbers from the Pew Research of Religion and Public Life) can single handedly bring down Xmas. I mean 78.4 % of Americans identify as some flavor of Christian. Is their faith really that fragile as to crumble under the power of me uttering "Happy

Moms: Assholes....just like the rest of us.

Oh wow. So I grew up in KS, near-ish to Lawrence, which I've bitched about at length on this here site....SO I heard all about Stull, KS being one of the 7 gates to Hell all my life but only from other Kansans whilst in Kansas. *Insert joke about Kansas itself being a gate to Hell. On that note, maybe I will go to

I'm not sure you can put a price tag on the emergency tampon because when the time comes, and we all know it will, that 'lil fucker is going to be PRICELESS.

I snarfed my iced latte at "He's done a sex 48 times."

Absolutely. If she is as good a friend as you say, she will understand. Go to the wedding! Enjoy the wedding! Feel good that you attended the wedding! Watch your friend exchange vows with the person she loves most in the world. It will be amazing! Harbor exactly 0.0% guilt about not being able to afford the other

So, my Mister and I had a Jack & Jill party on a Sat night right before the wedding cause, why would I exclude my dude friends from shenanigans and why would he exclude his lady friends?

Right this second I'm flaunting a cardigan, a glass of red wine and a pie. Yooooooooou're welcome.

Alright, Alright.

My husband works on the set of Scandal. I have not seen my husband since Monday night. They work INSANE hours. I think he will have broken 70+ hours this week by the time they wrap tomorrow (Sat) morning....Sigh. I miss him.