
Looks like baby Moana to moi.

There isn’t a doubt in my mind that she’s basically Bellatrix irl. Not evil and murderous. But otherwise.

Oh, David. Why do you tempt me when I love you and Victoria so?

Yes, I kept scrolling until I found this; I knew there had to be a Mitchell and Webb fan quicker off the mark than me.

OK real talk do any other women find their underwear smells like acetone at the end of the day? The bleach thing made me think.

Everyone but you has disappointed me. Thank you.

Seriously. Jezebel editors, please promote how people can get help and not this gross show.

Lost my best friend since childhood to suicide during my junior year and I can’t fathom why this is a show.

I mean, it’s par for the course, it’s always about a grandmother dying or a husband with kids, I’m curious what they’d say about me . . . Olde timey spinster like female with far too many cats is dead . . . “A hoarder died this morning . . . THIS JUST IN, A MOTHER OF 4 KIDS JUST POSTED SOMETHING HILARIOUS ON

Lawyer Bae keeps winning, I just can’t help but love this man

As long as he doesn’t get arrested before his July 13th visit.

It takes a certain kind of courage to play a character you know others will hate, I think. I had to MAKE myself watch Aaron Eckhart’s other movies after In the Company Of Men.

As a wife and mother, I think it’s bullshit too. Neither of those things makes me any better than anyone who can’t claim them. EVERY woman who is complicit in this administration deserves to be humiliated and insulted, period, because that’s what they are doing to plenty of women who don’t have the power that they do,

As a wife and mother myself.... YES fucking yes. Popping out kids doesn’t mean shit man. If you were an asshole before you’re still an asshole after. So infuriating

This all day. And it was because Mika could identify from one WW to another in the public eye that she took offense. She NEVER would have said of a man, think of his wife and kids if he was rightfully getting roasted on his professional career (bad) choices. Not to mention, where were these journos defending April

I want “single women also know and care about good laundry detergent” on a shirt now.

Mika can go choke on a bag of dicks. She only wrote that because she’s pissed that Michelle Wolf RIGHTFULLY called her out on her part in getting Trump elected. She and Joe Whatshisfuck constantly had him on/harped on him/couldn’t keep his name out of their mouths, all while they badmouthed Hillary.

I guess it just didn’t seem watching it like it was about appearance in an off-limits way. Eye shadow? Really? That’s somehow TOO LOW A BLOW now? Shut up Brzezinski, for all that’s holy. Also? She’s about as hard-hitting as a nerf tea set.

I just tuned into Morning Joe (I usually never watch) to see what Mika had to say, and they’re reporting on journalists killed in a suicide bombing in Kabul and all the journalists killed in war zones every year. That turned into “we shouldn’t have comedians at the WHCD, go watch Netflix if you want that”. So

Isn’t that interesting & ironic in context.