
I understand. And no it is absolutely not irrational nor unfounded.

So, wait I’m confused- you agree with Curious Squid that this is too horrific and should not be a TV series, yes? So why the arguing?

Awww you just made me tear up. Because yes, it does take balls, and we just want to live our lives and be understood.

Yeah. And it just upsets me I guess because for so many people that’s their only exposure to bipolar disorder. I mean, yeah he didn’t ask for this, but heavy is the crown, you know? And for a rich celebrity to have an illness that is so poorly understood and not treat it, if that’s the case, and cause people to

That’s a real stretch, bro. She also said being “degraded, brutalised, starved”

I feel so terrible for Kanye that he suffers from mental illness

I joked to my friend a few minutes ago that I’d rather people think I go Crazy Kanye than serial killer, as tv often portrays us.

True. And probably I have. I don’t know.

No but you’ve done ridiculous things for attention?

Yeah he’s an asshole but I think he’s an asshole with mental health issues. Without the mental illness he’d still have garbage views.

Oh no, you’re cool. But thank you for apologizing. I appreciate it. There’s a lot people don’t know about bipolar, and it obviously doesn’t present itself the same across the board.

Thanks for clarifying!

Is it though? I’m bipolar and I can say bar none that I’ve fucked up my life in my manic phases, because they involved the police more than once. It fucking sucks. It might be his bipolar, but I have not once started to adopt alt right ideology when having a manic episode.

This is bipolar disorder. His family needs to get him help. He’s not too special or gifted to be affected by mental illness. It’s scary to believe your talented wonderful friend/family member might be sick. We romanticize the tortured genius bullshit too much.

THANK YOU Ice T, good fucking grief this shit is unreal.


My mother is a narcissist so MAN do I feel you there. I tend to avoid her but she provides me with monetary assistance so I have to visit every now and again and the good visits are the ones where she doesn’t remind me how much of a failure and disappointment I am to her and why haven’t I gotten over this depression

Couldn’t they just hire an actress who is already that size? I mean, Charlize is good, but like. I’m sure there’s tons of amazing actresses who never get roles because they are over size 4. (Apart from the amazing actresses who are starving themselves to stay skinny just to get/keep roles. Hire one of them and they
