
I know I am a good looking guy, thanks. You are obsessed with this concept of “men doing all the emotional labor”, but it is completely inaccurate. You want to play the victim card for us men, which is moronic. It is not the man’s job to impress the woman, it is the pursuer’s job to impress the object of their

Hi all I am back... what did I miss? ;) 

I dont know what any of that would have to do with potentially ignoring or not seeing a comment, but she thinks her original comment was dismissed. FWIW her advice is definitely sound

I am very curious as to why you never respond to the commenter Kate.

This guy has to be a troll.

So you ask for people to tell you it’s a bad idea but then dismiss my comment about why it’s a bad idea? Because I was honest about why it’s a bad idea and gave my honest opinion? You realize I could’ve said nothing - I usually ignore your dating advice threads - but I gave you solid advice from the perspective of a

You’re nailing this. The solution, as always, is to skew toward an older, politically disinterested audience who will definitely keep your company relevant in the years to come.

In the criminal justice system...

Why are YOU talking about someone else’s Blackness? Why are YOU using the word “Hotep?” Again, you keep forcing yourself into something you neither understand nor should be a part of. Talk about foolish. Boy, bye.

You don’t even know what I’m talking about, as you just admitted. You are out of your element. Continue fucking off. I can’t even imagine being so entitled and arrogant as to tell someone else how to discuss intracommunity issues.

Nope, that’s how you refuse to indulge people who are talking about something that is out of their lane and not their business. I won’t make speeches about LGBT issues, for instance, because those within that community should be doing that, not me. I won’t harangue and interrogate and demand things of that community

I mean, you insert yourself into every comment section so do you really not get the impulse?

You are not a total bitch; he is gaming you. He is a grown-ass man who, unless there are disabilities, is capable of taking care of himself; HE IS LAZY. He has glommed onto you, so now he doesn’t have to take care of himself. You are mommy now.

Yeah she’s trying to undermine your new relationship :/ Im sorry. I’d want all contact cut.

Yes to this. I have had to politely, and then more firmly but still politely, and then finally, FIRMLY refuse pictures. I personally actually take a lot of photos of my life, BUT, they’re usually of the surrounding area I’m in (hello NATURE!) Pictures of the lake I’m walking near, or of the restaurant interior, and so

Wow go fuck yourself for that last line. You sound exactly like Trump right now.

Hey, I’m sorry his stubbornness triggered those feelings. Please know his churlishness isn’t worth your well-being or self-esteem.

From your story, it’s not clear of this person’s racism was directed at one particular victim, but if there was a specific victim that was not you (since you said witnessed), I would just encourage you to be cautious about the possibility of inadvertently and involuntarily getting the victim involved in any coverage

I’m sorry, Katherine, but did you not listen to the actual clip? Knox is repeating something she read, and disagreeing with it. She is not the person calling Orange Asshole a slut. Please correct this misinformation.

More women than men have PTSD, and we don’t go around raping people because of it. Mostly we take it out on ourselves.