Of all the hot takes, this one annoyed me the most:
Of all the hot takes, this one annoyed me the most:
Definitely, it’s hard to have but so much sympathy for him. If he’s diagnosed bipolar and isn’t medicated or being treated, that’s a choice he’s making, because he certainly has the means.
Yes and no. The lack of filter may be bipolar, but what’s coming from behind isn’t.
Hey. You’re doing great, and here’s how’s I know: you care.
Paula Patton’s new relationship sounds promising.
God, if I never hear “you’re just too sensitive!” again it’ll be too soon. Gee dad, wonder why I’m feeling sensitive. Can’t be because you just spent two hours telling me how stupid I am, tearing down every answer I give you, and then backhanding me into a wall. Must be because I’m “too emotional”.
I’m sad but at least feel less alone, that there are so many of us on this post saying “this story isn’t what it looks like, because it’s exactly what it looks like to the ones who know”. I have some limes and a blender, you bring the tequilla!
There’s another option: dad is a “Wonderful Parent” who soaked up all the attention and adoration for doing everything he could to find his baby boy. I don’t know if that’s what happened here, obviously, but it’s happened in my family more than once. They don’t give a fuck about the kid, but they sure care about their…
This is so true. Trying to vocalize how fucked up my home life was usually ended in punishment, not help. After awhile, I just gave up. It took me years to realize that my dad was abusive, but that my mom enabled it all. I’m still coming to terms with what that means for my relationship with her; I don’t have one with…
Yeah, my dad was “strict” too. We had a lot of fights that “were no big deal”, too. And I sure as hell had a few ally relatives who supported me as best they could. All the code words and red flags are there, if you know what to look for.
This post is honestly bringing it all back. Yeah, it’s crazy how they can push you to the brink and then make your reactions seem disproportionate. They do stuff (like kicking you out) and then laugh or criticize because you believed that they really meant it. Like...yeah, how crazy for a kid to believe their parent?…
I definitely relate. I didn’t realize until I started dating my ex and hanging around his family that my own family was problematic. I just thought every dad was like that, and every wife was afraid of her husband. It sounds like this kid was more aware of his situation, which is both good and bad. I’m glad we all got…
Some people are just shitty, we all agree on that. But they don’t stop being shitty when they procreate, and people with good or even just ok parents can’t seem to grasp that. I understand why, but man is it frustrating sometimes.
An abused kid gets it from all sides. I can’t remember how many times people would tell me I should be grateful my dad was such a good dad. He adopted me when he married my mom, so I was even told to be grateful that my abuser “chose” me. When I cut contact, I was the bad guy. When I defended myself, I was crazy or…
Are you aware of https://www.reddit.com/r/raisedbynarcissists/? I recently discovered it, and it reads like every person there grew up in my house. It’s been very therapeutic for me to read through.
There’s an awful lot of people in these comments who obviously don’t know what it’s like to be afraid to go home, but still think they know what’s up. If I could have done what he did at his age, bet your ass I’d have done it. And I’d never speak to a single goddamn person who called me selfish for saving myself.
I didn’t know he was a troll, I’ve seen the username but haven’t been around much so didn’t think to check, plus it was already ungreyed. On rereading the thread, though, it’s classic trollery :/
Shoot! I tried to post a gif of a permed Sally Field gushing about being liked, but kinja kinjaed. Thank you!
Good job! Your argument is so weak that you’ve resorted to grammatically breaking down my username. I have to say that’s a first, at least.