
Women are seen as interchangeable commodities while on the field. Private conduct is governed to the extent that life looks pretty ...un-private. The league can’t seem to figure out whether it values its cheerleading staff in an antebellum South way - yechhh, I can picture some dude saying “lil ladies,” Stetson hat

Happy to see you around! Sending some <3!

Do you really thinks she’s so dumb she thinks the players, not the management, made those rules? She’s calling out ridiculous double standards, nowhere is she even hinting that she thinks the players are responsible

No, thank you! I don’t think I’d have had the patience to deal with the troll :/

It’s not the word moron that’s mysogynistic, it’s your point of view.

Weird that he thinks it’s your words making him a misogynist and not his attitude.

as Davis pointed out to NPR, football players can do what they damn please.

Amen, sister. Since time immemorial.

Yuuup. And this is EXACTLY why the labor/leftist movement in America has not been able to be successful. I was just writing about this on splinter. But I can beat my drum all damn day, it will be ignored, per usual.

Maybe you were trying to point out that labor should be unified. But trust me, that women NEVER feel like men have our backs, and this has been based on being a woman our entire lives. So I feel like your vitriol is naive at best and harmfully misplaced at its worst.

It’s funny because I literally was JUST talking about how the worker’s/labor movement will never gain political power in this country until they know how to address the role of women and/or minorities in the movement. We’re told over and over to sacrifice ourselves to the greater good and wait our turn. So of course

And correct me if I’m wrong, but I don’t see s large outcry of support from the players on this cheerleader’s behalf.

I didn’t read it like that at all. I read it that she was upset about double standards and an outdated concept of behavior for the cheerleaders.

Wait, what? So what should she have done? I don’t understand your post at all.

I see it less as ignoring or missing the bigger picture and more of using readily available examples to touch on how fucked the current situation is for cheerleaders. I’m not sure she needs to outright acknowledge that both players and cheerleaders are treated like property to make a constructive point.

This is a gross thing to share.

NOOO! Her voice is too mediocre to do Earth Wind and Fire justice.  

I can’t be too mad at Swift for covering September - it prompted you to write this article, prompting me to go down an Earth, Wind & Fire binge over the last 15 minutes.

Seriously, though, corn bits in cornbread is disgusting and warrants me throwing it in the trash and looking the person in the eyes while doing so.