
Maybe I’m a little sensitive, but it’s almost like you’re mocking her pain.

So true.

I mean, some of us are stuck here. And I know a vast majority of the readership on here is middle to upper middle class and educated, some of us aren’t. And we won’t be fine when everything goes to shit.

my 1st thought as well.....

Y’know, the first thing I thought of when I saw this tweet wasn’t “OMG the president threatening a missile attack!”, it was “Assad’s an animal that kills gasses?”

I think I’m getting jaded to this shit...

Only in this universe could “Twitter diplomacy” be a thing.

I don’t give a fuuuuck about Lea Michele but this is reallyyyyyyy rude. It can’t be “funny” to try and “out” someone as having non-schooled literacy AND be coming from the purest of hearts and places. Fuck this article and these people it’s ableist and rude and you can say, “I’m not racist, but...” ...but ur racist

Not that it matters but I’m bipolar, and I also don’t really treat mine well either. I don’t psychologically know why, but I just don’t. I’ve had people break up with me too because of it and have had negative fall out in my life. It’s a sad reality of this kind of disease. One that doesn’t get spoken about enough.

Don’t get me wrong — my first few downs — I didn’t think they would end, but once you’ve had a handful - and a hospitalization — you start to realize that there is a pattern to the madness.

I am also very glad she is receiving treatment. I have BD 1 and a psychologist who specializes in BD perfectly summed up manic episodes for me - at a certain point you are along for the ride until your body crashes, usually by medical intervention. It’s a horrible feeling I wouldn’t wish on anyone. It takes a toll on

I carried around a Major Depressive Disorder diagnosis for over a decade before a (new) psychiatrist thought to ask about what happened when I wasn’t buried in the Pit of Despair. Uber productive? Creative? Fearless? Sleepless? Moving moving all the time fucking moving? Fucking everything that moves while also moving?

I recognized the mania in her Christmas videos. Now when people meet me the one thing that most people say is going to be especially fitting. Good on her for getting help and telling the world. Now that burden is gone. I’m happy for her.

I’ll be real honest — as someone with bipolar 2 (having a down swing for the past three weeks — it will eventually end, just hasn’t YET), reading her talk about judgement is super real. We have to destigmatize mental illness — and calling it mental illness also feels wrong to me. I didn’t catch this like a cold. I

This this. My mania and anxiety combine to turn me into a RAGING irritable bitch that literally cannot sleep. I was misdiagnosed for years as just having “bad period mood swings,” and I didn’t look too closely at it because the common media portrayal of mania is this eccentric, creative bliss.

I have bipolar II, I don’t reeeeaaaally see my reflection in Mariah Carey. Maybe someone else, but Mariah Carey?

What’s the quote?...Men don’t know what male privilege is any more than fish know what water is.

I’m sorry he did that to you. (((Hugs)))

I probably should have mentioned that in the rare case that I do look at porn now, it’s gay men. I’m sure there’s some very degrading gay porn out there, but for the most part these guys with dicks manage to fuck each other without appearing abusive.

It’s kind of amazing.

Childhood trauma can be so, so debilitating in that it affects, like lead in water, everything going forward. You can do something about it, but it’s hard, so so hard, and sometimes even just far too late no matter how much you want to change or move on...