
Every time this post mentions England or English, it should actually say the UK or British. Except the bit about the All England Tennis Club.

Erm I know this is a jokey post and I’m sort of loathe to respond in earnest but over reliance on the potato crop was because the British exported and sold all of our other produce leaving us with nothing but the potato so not really asking for a famine no but ok thanks bye.

Wow, that sucks. I don’t understand this system. Stalker trolls making actual threats have to keep it up for a while to get the ax but one catty day and a regular is out? Man.


My sister met her years ago in New Zealand - they were attending the same conference - and can confirm your suspicions. Also, because my mother raised at least one of us right, my sis wrote the princess a thank you note for her work etc, and received a note back!! Pays to be polite.

It is generally the women MAKING border crossings that are raped, though now we can add the offense of jailing them while they wait for an asylum hearing, and trying to bully, wait out the clock, and give misinformation when they need abortion services.

Anne and her no bullshit self is pretty much beloved in Scotland - she got remarried in Scotland ,Zara was married in Scotland and Peter played rugby for Scotland

WHOOPS. Fixed. I blame the mistake on the fact that writing this post broke my brain forever.

I remember reading that some reporter asked her how she felt about Prince William and Kate Middleton’s first pregnancy announcement, her reply to the reporter was, “That’s got nothing to do with me” and she kept on walking. Princess Anne is pretty great.

I love Anne’s habit of never throwing away clothes and frequently showing up at events in outfits that are easily 30 or 40 years old.

I’ve said something similar before but I don’t want a female James Bond or a female Indiana Jones or a female anything else. I don’t want the scraps of a tired franchise for great actresses. Give us new franchises with powerful women with their own new stories. I think it’s happening by the way so basically just MOAR

Me, when attending a family reunion

I’m pretty sure NYC is Lenni Lenape territory. San Francisco is stolen/occupied Ohlone lands. Chicago is the homelands to Algonquian tribes. Atlanta is Creek and Muskogee lands. The metro Phoenix area, which includes Scottsdale, another culture vulture mecca, and Tucson are occupied O’odham lands. The name of Tucson

Exactly this. I’d be interested to hear the story of the Brooklyn natives that were pushed out to make room in whichever neighborhood Ms. Merlin lives in, or the feelings toward tourists who are trying on on an urban ‘Brooklyn’ look as fashion.


He thinks he’s above them. He just seethes with disrespect towards his patients. That is not a good doctor.

I’m internationally adopted with virtually zero family history (even my birthday is a guess), so I did 23&me to get information mainly about my genetic traits. It made me emotional to actually see some of the traits I have reflected in my genes, as that’s the closest I will ever get to my birth family most likely. I

I’m good at both of those things! I’ll start convincing my neighbors.

Well... ok, but you have to lose the guns and learn to say sorry with sincerity. There are many other items on the list but let’s start with those.