
Ok that was what I thought but.. original birth certificates generally don’t have the doctors name just the hospital, if even that? Like...wouldn’t you need to obtain birth and deliverly records to get that specific of info?

I’m adopted and am staying far, far away from this. Too many potential slow-motion explosions.

Kids I want to write tell-all books:

Anyone notice all the minorities in TV/movies that have been released in the past year or 2?

your posting history, if not begs, implies to differ.

If the pro-life movement focused on sex ed and access to birth control, the number of abortion procedures would drop.

The embrace of this particular celebrity running for public office and the condemnation of (the idea) of Oprah running for public office (an idea, to be honest, I think is equally ill advised as Nixon’s bid, the rock or any other celebrity) among the Chapo Traphouse/Splinter contributor/ wannabe, know-nothing

So... you seemed to have disregarded this part:

This is a national embarrassment. :( It probably won’t be the last of its kind either, given our infrastructure issues.


You know, I’m done with the fake, male-identified feminism here, but I just can’t help returning occasionally to look at the train wreck, including that wall of words about some chick lit author’s latest that has no relevance to my life or that of 90% of women. I don’t give a fuck about intersectionality and haven’t

I am just getting so tired of it. I’ve been going to other outlets just to get away a bit. - Splinter, AV Club, The Root.

Ordinarily, Trump is insane. But I guess he has lucid moments when he is only stupid.


Savior down! We have a savior down!!

“Catherine” is French for “Jennifer”.

I co-sign everything you just said. I was reading about this incident on another website and the writer seemed to go out of his way to state repeatedly that these kids were all adopted from miserable conditions and however brief their lives may have been at least these 2 white women were able to provide them with a

Boy, those French sure are some good collaborators.

Here’s your nightmare fuel. I remember reading that series a couple yrs ago.

Now playing

Now I would never jump to conclusions, at least not without saying ‘I would never jump to conclusions’, but that now being sure looks like those women murdered those children.