
What about the rights of the server he reduced to tears? Don’t they have a right to a non toxic work environment?

My mom is bipolar and relatively well medicated (drug combo that works better than any others, regular therapy) and she STILL racks up hundreds of dollars in debt during manic shopping sprees.

Somehow I feel like Santorum is literally the kind of idiot who would respond to a gun shot victim by doing chest compressions.

Countervail— the very fact that you were able to read this article and get so overwhelmed and defensive about your own whiteness and experience IS part of the systemic racism that is running rampant in this country. You need to check your privilege and push yourself to have some very uncomfortable feelings and

To be clear, you can perform CPR on children, you just have to be a little gentler about it with small ones. That said, in shootings like the Parkland shooting, the injuries you worry about are massive internal and external bleeding and major damage to organs, and you’re absolutely correct that CPR won’t do jackshit

Please reconsider your use of the word “schizophrenic” here. What do you mean when you say this?

I think you’re right. And even the hypomanic episodes normally seen in bipolar II can cause massive problems - I know someone who spent her entire retirement fund, (temporarily) alienated her entire family, lost two homes and racked up a lifetime’s worth of debt (that she was then unable to repay) during a hypomanic

It’s infuriating.

I love your priorities.

This was a lot of missing the point and hurt feelings just to tell you #notallwhitepeople

We had a few non-white families in my town and our Northern area of the country and really thought nothing of it.

I hope we never find out. Because if we do that means her privacy has been violated badly and she doesn’t deserve that.

I’m fairly convinced that she is consenting to the conservatorship at this point, unless she is much more ill than she appears to be, which seems unlikely. Bipolar disorder, especially manic episodes, can be really scary, and if it was something I experienced I would definitely want safeguards in place to protect my

People who bad mouth the conservatorship clearly don’t remember where Britney was before it. Or have forgotten where Linsday Lohan—-who didn’t have a responsible parent to help her when she fell apart or ever for that matter—-is now.

She is thriving, but that could be because of the conservator set up is working for her. We don’t know all the details so I think it’s kind of harsh the way people constantly shame this set up. Anyway, I hope they keep figuring out what is best for her going forward whether it’s continuing or ending having

Fun facts for y’all: Black women have the highest labor force participation rate among women (62.7% vs 57.2% of white women) and are the only group of women with a higher labor force participation rate than their male counterparts. Black women who worked full-time, year-round had median annual earnings that were 65

“If you’re a woman and you have a domestic worker in your home now think about how much she is doing for you and how much money you are saving by hiring her and pay her enough money so she can have a life too.”

Black women are still raising America. Now its just showing white folks how they can overcome their racism and white privilege. Now its carrying the vote. Now its breaking it down for yall in the comments because Becky dont understand. But wtf do i know 😷😷😷😷😷😷😷🤐🤐🤐🤐🤐🤐🤐🤐🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔

Domestic workers were and are invisible.

Thanks for this. My grandmother was a domestic worker. Descended from house negros working in the kitchen. Family goes back to the Jefferson plantation in the 1790s.