
I don’t normally read SNS, but I am so sorry to hear about your brother’s passing. Time will diminish the pain of his passing, but never the memory of the life and love you shared over the years.

Have you tried cleansing and moisturising with oil? I know it sounds counter-intuitive, but I’ve found it works. The theory is that 1) using standard cleansers strips your skin of oil so encourages it to produce more, and removes the skin’s protective acid mantle, so it’s more likely to get irritated, and b), like

I’m kind of hoping that Trump’s downfall is horrifying enough that it’s a long, long time before anyone tries that shit again. Sort of the way Mussolini’s death and public display prompted Hitler to kill himself rather than surrender.

The breadth and width of the moral depravity of his husk of a man never ceases to amaze me, and I hope it never does. I never wanted to become jaded and beaten down enough that I jump on the “nobody cares” hot-take train.

I don’t comment enough to know you well enough to have noticed your loss. I recently lost both my stepfather and a close friend. I know how hard things can be and can’t fathom how much harder it would be to lose a sibling. I hope your grief flows through you well and you’re spared as much pain as possible. My deepest

Of course this administration is getting hounded with ethics complaints: they deliberately cancelled all their ethics briefings during the transition. Even if they intended not to be evil (riiiiight), they don’t know the rules they’re supposed to be following.

This enrages me. This is a place to go to be with like minded stranger friends. Not be trolled. If someone is this miserable in their lives they should find another forum with like minded idiot stranger friends.

I did not know that, Short. We lose part of our lives when we lose a sibling. I am so very sorry.

I am so sorry for your loss. :(

Thank you for even bothering to think about me at all right now!

I’m so sorry for your loss.


Now playing

I hope your brother has a peaceful journey to wherever we go after this life. Idk if or how much you like Prince, but this song came to my mind. I got off the Discord chat for no real reason, and from there, I know you *feel* with an intensity that separates you from others. This is my bungled way of saying, damn I’m

“Ethics” and Donald Trump go together like oysters and chocolate chip mint ice cream, if he had even a single ethical principle it’d die of loneliness. Right now his prime concerns appear to be totally humiliating another wife and pretending he’s back on his crappy game show “firing” people. There were huge anti-gun

So sorry to hear about your brother. I will keep you in my prayers and please never forget that you are loved and have so much love to still give ❤️

While I’m not super active commenting here, please know that a stranger in East Tennessee sends her most sincere condolences to you and your loved ones. The other day, as I read about your recent loss of your brother, my heart absolutely ached for you. I am so truly sorry.

Hey, I’m so sorry to hear about your loss. That is so awful. My heart goes out to you!

Oh wow I somehow missed that this happened! I’m so sorry for your loss. Hang in there.

i had no idea, spa - nothing but love, and know that you bring a smile to my face each and every time i see your name.