
Here’s another way to think about it: it’s all within the margin of terror.

It’s not Trump’s choice to boot out the Russian diplomats, it’s Congress and the Senate. Trump is staying silent on the matter so he doesn’t upset his master. It also makes him look like an idiot because of his phone call last week to Putin.

It’s going to take a while for some of the worst of Tiny Hands’ policy changes to hit a lot of people personally. The dog and pony tax cuts that won’t bite back on the general public for a few years are a good example. No one disapproves of more money in their paycheck, however small an amount that might be. By the

All I can say is an adult film person is not going to be intimidated easily, they have been through hell and back already. It’s fitting that she is the one to bring him down. I think him and his bullies have met their match.

Hope you’re holding in there.

White People. It’s white people. The correct response is ‘what are white people?’.

God this country is so fucking stupid. Let’s just appoint trump king for life. Then the republicans will be happy and the dems will also be happy since the happiest they ever are is just criticizing the party.

It’s more than a little amazing how much restraint Trump has shown regarding Stormy Daniels when you compare that to what he’s said about Robert Mueller.

Here’s the thing- anyone who’s opinion flips on whether or not Trump is a good president (GOD, I still CAN’T BELIEVE THIS HAPPENED) is only changing based on whether or not things are better for them, PERSONALLY. And that’s despicable. “Oh, hate crimes are on the rise, the country is more divided than it has been in

Forty-two percent of Americans approve of Trump, up seven points since February for no discernible reason. That is... a lot... of people! God bless America!

I really hope we eventually get the catharsis of seeing at least some member of Trump’s scummy inner circle get jail time. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not holding out hope, because this is America, where wealthy and powerful people are allowed, encouraged even, to be disgusting pieces of shit.

I am a Xavier grad, and saw the horrors of Katrina firsthand. In most places, I would say you might trust a cop that looks like you, but there is not one honorable bone in the skeleton closet that is the NOPD. I would know, I used to work for the paper there, and dated a few. All garbage! That said, they know all the

Get the security tapes, and give stills to the press. And if that girl at the top is right, start trawling through the back tapes! They push? You push back harder…

The obvious troll is being obvious. Go figure.

The same way alcohol is okay...but marijuana isn’t. Take a look at who stands to profit.

You’re good, you’re good. I was happy to see the quick response from the medical community. You’ve been one of the few to point out that CPR would actually hasten exsanguination with a GSW from an assault rifle.

I lived for years in the French Quarter. Every Mardi Gras the police would round up “undesirables” ie street musicians, beggars, homeless, anyone who didn’t look like they were rich or tourist. Charges usually consisted of blocking sidewalks (for walking down the street) one friend even got arrested for molesting a

I have a problem with how sex work is looked down on...

Oh he has kids too? Ugh how terrible. My heart goes out to all of you. I bet he would be smiling with all of you honoring him with the soco.