
God bless our beautiful, brown babies šŸ˜¢

Not to beat the proverbial horse, but this reminds me of Donald and John ā€œJerkā€ Kelly and Sarah Propagandabee Slanders being all upset and sanctimonious of the leaks of ODDDonaldā€™s refusal to comply with the red ā€œDO NOT CONGRATULATEā€ stamped on the top of all the Orange Occupant In Chiefā€™s security advisersā€™ formsā€¦

Not even trying to come over, are they? Same with the Jez writers it seems.

LOL at Jezebel readers refusing to comment on this one šŸ˜©

I mean, they finally got there. So, yay?

Very good. Finally.

White feminism isnā€™t just applicable if the person she is talking about also happens to be white. Itā€™s that white feminism is hypocritical and self serving. Cate gets to declare herself a feminist while working with and fawning over predatory men like Allen and Polanski, and her status as a rich, white woman shieldsā€¦

I wish his office was in a submarine - idiot would try to open a hatch and kill himself.

Iā€™ve thought about this a lot; I know I for one self-censor a lot on Jez, for fear of being banned or sent back to the greys. I think itā€™s common for many of us, to be cautious so that we donā€™t draw unintended attention from the bloggers or from other, more aggressive, commenters. Honestly, I am tired of it - tired ofā€¦

We should talk about this, like did The Root people ask the Jez people about all the claims by WoC and PoC concerning Jezebel silencing their voices? How about an Q&A or AMA with the Jez staff about why they did that shit? How about a question to the Jezā€™s staff about what they expected with this crossover? What wasā€¦

Another ā€œShould Have Been #JezeRootā€ Article ā€” not sure Iā€™ve words left this week for the irony of all these relevant articles about additional marginalizing of women of color by this countryā€™s power structures appearing on The Root but not being crossposted instead of part of the series (that was supposed to beā€¦

Itā€™s still Womenā€™s Month, yes ā€¦? *looks at watch* Just wondering why this piece doesnā€™t have a JezeRoot tag for wider distribution ā€¦

I mean, I take your point here. But some words, like that used in the ā€œsatiricalā€ post, have such an odious history and meaning that they just shouldnā€™t be used. They are objectively harmful, whether or not some people might be capable of completely controlling their Own reactions to that harm. And, particularlyā€¦

For what itā€™s worth, Cynthia Nixon is bisexual not a lesbian. I know thatā€™s not really the point of the Christine Quinn controversy, but sheā€™s been pretty clear that she finds it annoying when people erase her identity just because sheā€™s married to a woman. Ā 

I like Cynthia Nixon as a person, but as far as I know she has no qualifications for what would be a challenging position for anyone in government. The solution to right-leaning celebrities in public office is not left-leaning celebrities in public office.

In other Nixon-for-Governor news, Christine Quinn, who ran for New York City mayor in 2013 (she lost to Bill de Blasio, of course), called Nixon ā€œan unqualified lesbianā€ in the New York Post on Tuesday. Quinn is also gay, but considers herself qualified; she told the Post in reference to Nixonā€™s decision to endorse Deā€¦

I think it was a cute idea that kind of maybe went off the rails a bit with that last one. I didnā€™t really read them myself other than the last lineā€”not my type of satireā€”and aside from the latest installment, they seemed to be very popular to those who enjoyed them and fairly harmless to those who didnā€™t.

So the legal question is how much security is the venue responsibly to provide.

I canā€™t imagine what that family went through but that is a really, really big stretch to blame the venue, to the point it almost feels like they care more about getting money than trying to get some kind of justice. No security is foolproof, hell I recently (accidentally) smuggled a knife onto a flight despite howā€¦

The technique that works for me is to sit down or find somewhere I can get on my back, and then just lightly hold my breath for awhile to slow down my heart before it gets out of control. Took me forever to find a sure-fire way to get through them, but that works for me. Iā€™m fortunate to not have had a full blown oneā€¦